Chip Hughes

60  2018-05-19 by Dennyislife


The linked tweet was tweeted by @OpieRadio on May 19, 2018 13:54:17 UTC (0 Retweets | 11 Favorites)


New title announced for Meghan Markle - Duchess of susSEX

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tssss fawkin’ student of comedy right here

FAWK yeah. Radio legend dvvv dvvv

Can you imagine actually sitting down and watching the Brits do their faggy wedding ceremony, as if it means anything?

God bless America

American media all over the place. So I guess some of you are. No idea why.

Excuse me sir, real Americans such as myself are getting day drunk and seeing up drug transactions.

Because American media is all geared towards women and gays. Can’t even watch a ballgame anymore without some faggy melodrama storyline shoved down our throats with the idea that men are hostage and not going anywhere because they love ball but to get the women and gays to watch you gotta sell some sappy soap opera saga about the game. So you get Latinos claiming they played with milk cartons for gloves on some godforsaken island while the black guy cries about how he was passed around his family and foster care as a kid but learned that he’s gotta do right by Jesus with his fifth bastard child and third baby momma and then the faggy white guys cry about how daddy wasn’t around because he worked all the time and you wished he wasn’t around even when he had time because he was such a hardass. And then the cancer kids and the retards and the pink titty uniforms and the soldiers somehow still “surprising” their unsuspecting families at home plate. Just play the fucking game.

Meh, can't watch a ballgame without some Support the troops! bullshit either.

A little less God Bless America, a lot more Take Me Out To The Ballgame is all I’m saying. But, hey, what do I know? All I know is the world would be a better place if Kaepernick would stand up and get pissed like the rest of us at how long the singer was taking to finish the song we’re all tired of hearing. But, hey, none of this is gonna put java in my container tomorrow.

Did you spill your container of coffee?

You must be a blast at parties

You're giving America too much credit, I'd wager a good portion of people attending the wedding are Americans. They love that shit for some reason.

True Americans like myself are getting drunk at 1pm, I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about

Now one funny mofo.


Ummm what? Because they’re going to have sex?

Where exactly was he going with this one?

what's not to get brah?

he said sex, SEX!

Dude, at the end of the day, you just don’t get the show.

The same place he’s always going, straight to the bottom level of the septic tank

Get it? It has sex in the same.

True Americans like myself are getting drunk at 1pm, I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about