So who woke up early yo watch the the Royal Wedding

2  2018-05-19 by scorezman

Uhm peckah's


Nana woke up early and inserted a commemorative Royal Blue prostate egg to spice up her 6-hour viewing binge #familyvalues

Do the British feel cucked by their own second government? It's pretty fucked up that they're told that through birthright they are born better than you.

I think the fact that they're all going to be forced to convert to Islam eventually is probably worse than the second government.

"What’s so good about monarchy?

The first good thing is that it provides a barrier to majoritarian rule, or elective dictatorship. It denies politicians the grandeur of the headship of state.

This can be very important indeed. During the second Iraq war, it was much harder for loyal Americans to criticise their President, who was also head of state and commander in chief than it was for British people and media to criticise the Prime Minister, who as a mere head of government and party leader, was legitimately open to mockery, derision and harsh denunciation, without any suggestion of disloyalty.

This non-political focus of loyalty is also important in the judiciary, the civil service, the police and the armed forces. Perhaps it is most important to the concept of a neutral civil service. When Richard Nixon was covering up Watergate, those who worked for him in the White House had nowhere to turn. To refuse what they feared was an unlawful order was also to defy to the embodiment of the nation, the head of state and Commander in Chief."

Yeah because nobody dares be critical about a us president right?

it was much harder for loyal Americans to criticise their President

Reading comprehension: what is it?

Really? So your disloyal if you use the 1st amendment?

I thought us having kings and queens was baffling...

It's the separation that's important, in the UK there is a neutral civil service. Read the last paragraph again.

It's a separation of politics and state: in the US the two things are inextricably tied together

You said nobody loyal is critical about a US President sir. Not me. You.

God you are stupid

I'm explaining the function of the Royal family, as you don't seem to understand, quote: "its baffling"

Stay baffled you dolt

Isn't it a bit early for you two to be fagging it up this hard?

They're fagging it up in the UK. It was after 5pm there.

TL;DR - "Yes"

During the second Iraq war, it was much harder for loyal Americans to criticise their President, who was also head of state and commander in chief than it was for British people and media to criticise the Prime Minister,

But yet, at the end of the day, you ended up playing in the same sandbox. Go write a cheeky skit about it Monty.

I don't know anyone under 40 who likes them. I am sure there are a few. Even if you think one or two of them are 'alright' and bring in tourism its still baffling.

I didn’t set an alarm ... wake up at 5 AM M-F and 6 AM on weekends. I watched the wedding waiting for a terror attack, but the IRA are a bunch of pussies now

I was there on Monday. I think every gun in England was there. No chance of anything going off.

Timely reference Tranpa. The IRA gave up and handed over their weapons years ago.

I know ... I miss the days of nail bombs and parades.

Container of coffee

Nice post title, stupid.

All monarchs I hate, and the thrones they sit on,

From the hector of France to the cully of Britain.