I bet Joe, Ant and the gang are glued to their TVs for the Royal Wedding

5  2018-05-19 by NainanMyersDickfield

They seem to love to "hate-watch" stuff like the Oscars, Superbowl etc. Why is this any different


Why would any American give a shit anyway? Those inbred fucks aren't your royalty. They're still considered Canada's royal family for some faggy reason and that old cunt's face is on my money. Those horse-faced freaks can all fucking drop tomorrow for all I care.

I'm Canadian and even Brit nationals here don't care anymore for the most part, either. The royal family used to have some significance but started dying off after Charles and Di. Old folks related more to the pomp and circumstance but they've all died off leaving the rest of us who think the queen is an entitled cunt.

Hey, my wife is Canadian, small world!

The only Americans who give a shit are the knuckle draggers who read celebrity gossip rags

Hey, easy now.