Just A reminder Brother Joe is worthless.

47  2018-05-19 by Orlandell

Just a reminder he is a turd


A turd could have value as fertilizer or an anonymous gift to an ex.

Brother Joe is a fat old hypocrite with baloney tits who rants about the lazy and shiftless all day while being lazy and shiftless. If not for his older brother’s dwindling cash reserves he would just steal from someone else who worked for their money. It’s all he is capable of.

He holds far less value to society than a turd. Now apolgoize for maligning excrement and have a nice day.

Younger brother *

It's more pathetic

"Baloney tits"...that's just fantastic.

I love thinking about the early WBAB days when BroJoe must have assumed that he'd be the third member of Opie and Anthony.

Lol, no.

Back to obscurity.

And his brother is a fag.

We haven't forgot. But always appreciate a reminder.

He still has not denied the allegations of pedophilia, despite admitting that the accusations are swirling around him. Smoke = fire, people.

At least he has his U2 / Journey tribute band to fall back upon so he doesn’t have to spend his every ebbing drinking shit beer in a basement of a McMansion singing karaoke to a smaller crowd than he draws.

Do they have separate bank accounts or one joint account?

Joe has a prepaid debit card.

Honestly, he's not even worth responding to or mentioning.

He also is HIV positive

Re Reminder; He's a Gift.its free.