Opie is so full of shit

58  2018-05-18 by NobodyAnymore

I was listening to the podcast with clips, and they were playing and old one where Opie was talking about being in an air guitar band. He said, "our name was army something" Sam said, "Air Army?" Any Opie said, "actually yeah, I think that was it!" A little later Sam said, "You should have called it Air Force"

The very next clip they played was Opie and Sherrod years later and Opie said, "I was in an air guitar band and we called ourselves Air Force!"

Then he went on to talk about inviting some girl he liked to the show and how she looked at him so disgustedly during the performance... Which you think would have been at least mentioned in the previous lengthy discussion (if it actually happened, that is)


opie lies a lot

That’s quite the accusation. Do you have any more evidence other than the 20 years worth of fictional radio stories?

Dvv dvv dvv AIIIIR FOOOORCCCE dvv dvv

I upvoted this before reading the context.

However, I do not believe he has diddled any kids. Twat yes, pedophile no.

That doesn’t matter. I need to know if he can enter contracts. Thank you.

If it weren't for his wonderful breasts he'd be most unlikable

Is that where the idea for Sick fawkin puppies came from? Opie non existent band is also Chip's non existent band?

Opie’s your college friend that only gets laid and high during the 24 hours a month no one sees him. The 24 hours he goes to his mom’s house to do laundry.

I understand people loying if the lie makes them look good/cool, but when the person literally lies about little insignificant things - it’s mind boggling.

I have a neighbor that constantly shows up uninvited when I’m outside smoking. Everything out of this guys mouth is bullshit. His girlfriend left him recently, but I guess she still had a bag of clothes/shit at his place. So he tells me that he drove to her parents house and dropped it off. 20 minutes later he mentioned that she came by his place and picked up the bag. He can’t even get his pointless lies straight. Fuck I hate this guy. Fuck.

She also fought a underwater French man for it if it make you feel any better

I have a coworker that legit lies about everything to an uncomfortable level. Last week he wouldn’t stop saying Wonder Woman and Batman would be in Avengers. He was getting furious at me for not believing him. I don’t know if it’s a mental disorder or a personality trait, but I hate being around the fuck

Wow.I bum a cigarette off you and tell you my relationship issues and you motherfuck me like that? I don’t mock your mom and the way she laughs at you for calling the basement your “Mancave”.Good day sir......

he sprinkles so many interference lies that some don't notice the central lie that his air-instrument band had a "show."

Opie always tries extra hard to have funny stories whenever he's on with Sherrod. Like he's one of the guys. It's very embarrassing. He's what we called a "try-hard" in high school.

Why would be lie about this? I’m not saying he wasn’t lying- he absolutely obviously was. But why does he do it? I don’t understand his mentality- it’s not interesting or funny.

Opie has made me more honest as a person. I try to basically always tell the truth now because I think about how obvious and pathetic his lies are and don’t want to become that.

Dopie is a pathological liar, a dumbass and a retard.

what the FUCK is an air guitar band