Just ran into Chris Distefano outside Grand Central Station and asked him if he's gonna go on Opie's podcast....

13  2018-05-18 by IntoTheRealm

And he responded, Opie has a podcast?


Did he proceed to tell you how cool and sexy his beloved daddy is?


Shitty Guy Code faggot who thought he was The Man because he had a CBS sitcom pilot. It turned out they dropped him without even filming it. So he went on Jim & Sam all depressed because his career has gone to shit now that people aren't kissing his ass thinking he was going to be the next Kevin James or somebody.

Is that where Chris performs now?

It's what any sane person should ask.

I don't care about Christ DiStefano.

I was just hoping to find out where Vos will be this weekend.

Are you sure it was him? It might have been an actual retarded boy.

“No, but let me tell you about my father.”

Opie needs someone to bring those laughs playa.
