His whole life is masturbatory

56  2018-05-18 by DennisFalconePunch


I think you misspelled "Unnecessary".

Who the fuck even plays gta5 anymore..someone tell tranpa about pubg so we can listen to him bitch about blowing at it.

He's just doing his part for repaying for the shirts.

A while back Jerkoff-Face was playing a GTA5 mod that allowed him to be a cop.

Want to guess the race of the first person he busted, and want to guess how much glee he showed at beating them up?

  1. Black 2. None at all but he had sworn an oath to enforce the law and that man was walking while black.

I’ll go out on a limb and say Danny Ross probably doesn’t play GTA5.

He def doesn't have the money to buy a gaming rig good enough to play GTA5.

Five more months of those $9 donations and he’s gonna have that game, bud.

Just 172 months until he can buy a good gaming rig, that's only like 15 years!

Isn't his voice on gta5? He plays so he can listen to himself on the game's radio.

He already does that when the emptiness echoes back during karaoke in his lonely basement.

Let him have this one. It's as close as he can get to guns these days

Can you imagine if your life was this sad that you had a fucking computer set up pointed at a TV so you could play video games while watching TV

In his living room, no less.

In his living room

his biting room*

I....I do this


Im am currently sitting in front of a computer in front of my tv, using my phone for social media... am I becoming everything i claim to hate?

I bet you don't have a bendy screen, civilian.

And you couldn't stop tweeting about it as a senior citizen

Yes, it’s wrong to have that gaming setup sitting on a living room coffee table. Why does he even have a stream deck? He’s not a streamer.

Again I ask... Why? Why do this? Why tweet it? There is nothing to be gained. Nothing. Ant clearly has a self-destructive streak that is going to eventually get him in a way he can't laugh off or throw money at. And I, for one, am looking forward to it.

it's all he's got bro

Didn't Nick dipalo just get fired for a tweet similar to this? I hope this somehow leafs to cumpound media collapsing

Nick Dipaolo was employed by a publicly traded corporation and if anyone still giving Anthony money is shocked by this they're pretty naive.

You are dumb as a pilon bud

I already got called dumb five minutes ago so there's no need to pile on, bud.

No one knows who Anthony and no one cares what he says. He’s just desperately trying to drum up some buzz by acting out on Twitter, but a half assed Sex for Sam isn’t gonna save him.

Do they have any sponsors left?

No. This is tasteless trolling from a washed up half-breed. What Nick did was clumsily joke about something inflammatory whilst being employed by a humourless organisation.

Because he's an old lonely Nana with no real friends. His girl and 'friends' are only into him for his cash.

He's a lonely, attention seeking queen.

Mike Francesca has been on twitter for five hours, he has one tweet and 50% more followers than Anthony.


hazaa for the comment keep÷

Buying make believe guns because you're not allowed to buy real ones anymore fa la la la la


Phuhhhh... FUCK!

Bimmy knows how many "la"s to add, fa la la la la.

A computer on the coffee table and he has shit sitting in front of doors. My first apartment when I was 17 was set up better

And you didn't have people taking care of most of your shit either, Ant has all kinds of stuff taken care of by Ange or whoever he pays.

Nice ripped jeans, stupid.

Human garbage.

Nice beer cracked open at 2pm, stupid.

This is the same man who threw a tantrum after his mom's funeral page was lightly teased. That's not okay but openly mocking shooting survivors is "above all else...real."

That's ginger ale stupid

It's a foreign beer, Canada Dry, very choice...

thats seltzer water stupid

If I walked into a house and saw a gaming rig on the coffee table, I would literally physically recoil backwards from the sheer tackiness of it.

It just makes you feel like the couch has oily asshole stains from sitting in 1 spot sweating over gun games, and the table probably has a bunch of junk food residue everywhere. Not very comfy

The cat habitat confirms that Beavis is a fag, too.

Thank God the sub finally turned on that little fuck.

Why the fuck is he using a stream deck?

Aww a cat tree right in the living room for Lil Beavis. That's adorable!

A shitty $40 one

Please somebody take this bait so i can escape reality and argue on twitter.


"I believe in respect for the dead".


I wonder why one of his actual guns isn't in the photo.

How has this not been photoshopped yet?

I hope CM fires him.

Link to tweet if you wish to report.

What a fucking edgelord. Holy shit who cares

Haha what the hell kind of jeans is he wearing

That's Missy's leg.

Cat calendar-check Cat mansion-check One step closer to Howie’s deliriously vacuous void-check

Ha ha ha! Ant really angered those darned libtards again! You know, those people who don't follow his tweets, know who he is or care either way. What a rebel, he just doesn't care what society thinks, he just boldly speaks his mind if it'll impress his poker buddies.

It's funny because that's the only gun shopping he'll be able to do from now on

Is there anything more douchey than a 59 year old edgelord on twitter?

Come to think of it, no.

It looks like a little girl's house. Anthony lives like girls who are 18 right now. They play video games, live stream it, have a big obnoxious cat house thing and are obsessed with their cat, have a big expensive security camera with CCTV because they're paranoid, weak and vulnerable to outside forces.

wrong? no. sad? yes.

I am supposed to ignore this!?!? This is NOT a free speech issue!!!

I love how the MacMasion is slowly starting to look like a divorced lady’s apartment.

In his living room, no less.

I....I do this

Im am currently sitting in front of a computer in front of my tv, using my phone for social media... am I becoming everything i claim to hate?

I bet you don't have a bendy screen, civilian.

And you couldn't stop tweeting about it as a senior citizen