Throwback Thursday: #StandWithAnt Protest

110  2018-05-18 by SpudsCuckley


So that’s why Bobo always wears hats

It's to keep his brain from falling out.

You could hold that thing in with a yammukah.

Genetics said "Fuck You" to him on literally every count.

Now that's a Gofundme I can get behind

A loooong way from the days of "The Walk Over"

The Walked Over

They got lost.

Which sub regular ballwashers do you think the two retards in front of Bobo are?

One of them is probably that faggot who types like a child & pretends to have a snatch.

Spuds Buckley?

Compound media should have stuck with the swastika logo. Know your audience.

And it’s public domain. Anthony loves using public domain stuff!

You know your cause is just when your only supporters are fat guys in swastika t-shirts.

Pretty sure that's a shirt Ant sold.

But ant is an outspoken critic of Nazis and racism.

Oh no, he isn't like that at all!

Oh no no no no

"The people at siriusxm are nothing but a bunch of COCK SUCKING FAGGOTS!" Woah bobo you took it too far

The only thing worse than being one of these three is being one of these three holding a homemade sign

18th century soldiers who have to stand perfectly straight or else they get flogged by an officer are jealous of Bobo’s ramrod straight posture.

41 dick surgeries have that side effect.

And a squirrel preparing for a long winter would be envious of those cheeks.

It’s from having 🐜’s dick shoved up his ass repeatedly.

Look at Bobo’s little retard hand all curled up. It does that involuntarily from all the ass rapings.

I always thought he was just tryin to look tough.

I think Opie was pretending to be the General in charge of a mighty army that day. Actually it was just these three qweebs

You know this guy comes here.

Identify yourself, tubbo.

He's the one guy left over at /r/compoundmedia

Bobo even stands like a retard. God damn.

is that a half swastika on his shirt?

LTFC logo.

Even after all these years of everyone in the O&A universe embarrassing themselves, this is still the most pathetic picture ever taken.

Norton with Allen at the restaurant is worse

I almost went, but I had shit to take care of for work.

I am so, so grateful for that.

I wonder how many guys went down there but just kept walkin.

At least a few. There were a lot of NYC people on here who were stoked to go (quite a bit has changed in the last few years).

what was it Bobo and a couple of fat dorks?

No, that would be embarrassing.

There’s also the guy that took the photo.

Lol. Imagine you were that guy

Retard looks like he's about to throw a punch

Let’s not forgot the serious damage that this did to SiriusXMs stock price.

Not one black to be seen

That’s the winners circle.

No retard is complete without his utterly worthless backpack of stupid shit being carried everywhere.

I assume its just filled with moonpies and dried up cum tissues.

What do you think their conversations were like? I bet they really stuck it to the FCC and libtards!

That guy doesn’t look like he does much standing of any kind.

This was a huge wake up call to their popularity for me, and it should have been an indicator to Opie and Jim as well that they were doomed if they went on their own.

I was surprised the turn out sucked, and when Grandma Wizard saw this he should have groveled and apologized profusely to Sirius and the public to get his job back.

The majority of the fanbase lives in new york and is no doubt jobless. Tons of free time and still no one bothered to show. Doesn't exactly scream subscriber foundation.

They all were overpaid and just had to get along for a few hours.

Don't forget this guy!

I had this picture up in my old office to remind myself who our audience was.

Thats a following, amirite gay Anthony .

Spuds Buckley?

It's to keep his brain from falling out.

He's the one guy left over at /r/compoundmedia

Genetics said "Fuck You" to him on literally every count.

Now that's a Gofundme I can get behind