Ant spent tens of thousands of dollars to have pubes transplanted onto his head but still has this glaring bald spot.

76  2018-05-17 by TinKnockinMoroccan


sure does.

Its where his asshole was.

I wonder why he hasn't just had the procedure redone ($$$)


Because girls aren't tall enough to see the back of his head

True, but mentally ill boys that dress like girls might be.

A lot of the early transplant work doesn't last. I remember when a local weatherman in my area had follicles individually placed and it started thinning back out in a couple of years.

Out of all the things there are to remember you chose that.

I remember weird shit.


You remember weird shit to people...

Your comment only works if the dude has bad memory.

Clear blue skiiiiiiieeees.

Didn't he get them down in 2006-2007?

The transplants work and last forever. However, they won’t prevent other non-transplant hair from falling out.

It is common to get a touch up about 10 years after transplants.

Bosley Bobble head faggot..

Bosley bosley bop!

Such a horrible unnatural color. His sister dyes hers too dark too. Yeah, that black shoes polish look is very believable.

Yeah, remember when he told Maury Povich to quit dying his hair?

In 2009 the company I worked for sent me to Moscow for 4 months. Nana's awful dyed perm looks exactly like the babushkas you see sullenly inspecting vegetables at Danilovsky market.

local yuma

Plugs won’t prevent future hair loss. You will reach a point where you may need a touch up.

Imagine how bald he would be if he DIDN'T.

He would probably get a touch up but he's likely thinning in the wallet area as well. Compound is bleeding cash.

Wouldn't it have been easier and cheaper just to use that spray on hair that Ron Pompeil sells.

GLH is only temporary. It's a cosmetic, not a cure.


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The fellow yelling at the restaurant workers for speaking Spanish to each other is named Aaron Schlossberg. He’s a New York attorney.

The initial procedure - depending on the severity of your baldness - could be $8-10k if you want it done RIGHT (Gordon Ramsay paid like 18k in LA for his). The top offs that you're supposed to have years afterwards cost less and less (you're only supposed to have 3-4 surgeries IN A LIFETIME, once a decade).

Typically; the men who've saved up for the procedure will go for the initial surgery where they get the most coverage, then ride finasteride (Propecia) for the rest of their life. Of course, if they're affected by finasteride's side-effects (most men aren't, but the ones that ARE run the risk of being affected severely and irreversibly by it); they'll stop using the drug, ride minoxidil and laser therapy, then wait for their first touch up. Or just NEVER go back; if they don't experience anything harsh from the Propecia medication, then they'll just save the money and take the drug for good. Even though the drug only has a 3 year window where its actually effective (it stops working after that)...

Ant probably had a touch up at the beginning of his 50's during O&A, where all he had to worry about was wearing a different baseball hat every day to cover up his scalp while it healed from the surgeries. But now that he insists on broadcasting on camera (almost every day during the week) LIKE AN IDIOT, he'll probably be hesitant to go back for touch up's because he cant find the time to heal up WHILE NOT BEING ON CAMERA. Even though everyone knows that he gets grafts, he's still going to catch a beating from us on here, about his head being bandaged up after the touch up surgery. And since this sub actually affects their lives, he's probably hesitant to do so.

I’ve never seen any paper on finasteride only being efficacious for 3 years. Proof?

To expand on/correct this, according to Bernstein medical: They've generally started to notice hair thinning out after 5 years on the drug, but there's no conclusive long-term data to suggest that it's the drug that's losing efficacy (since it was only approved in '98). May be that your body is ramping up the DHT production more as you get older, so the drug is having trouble compensating? And/or it could be ramping up more DHT because the DHT is being blocked by the drug (artificially)?

I can say DHT a couple more times if you want.

That was from Sue fucking his ass,his head was right up against headboard and wore the hair off