Can someone explain the Mueller Russia probe to me?

0  2018-05-17 by iWhoreSchortSchorts

I'm banned from /r/conservative for being racist against white people and /r/news for calling someone a nigger. In my defense they were being a nigger so I called them a nigger and they were also white so it's okay for me to say that since I'm also white. Seriously though, everywhere I look I just see people saying that the other side is delusional and ignoring the facts. As always, thanks in advance for the thoughtful responses.


Dont steal a Louis CK joke

What are you talking about?

Seriously, tell me what joke I'm stealing you faggot.

Tsss probe? What are you an alien or symptom? Tssssss

Mueller? tsss I hardly know her!

Explain? What about a ex-helipcopter or sumpin?!


Tss maybe don't Russia and take your time when you type or sumpthin

I don't have to take that from you! I will...but I don't have to!

Some russians bought Facebook ads, that’s pretty much it.

Can you vouch for the sanctity of the Twitter ads or no?

Ah yes, can’t forget about those. They did cause millions of people to vote for him after all

I’ve never been to Russia in my life

I like to fuck their women, the manlier the better, specifically Ukrainians with fat faces . I want a woman who can drink me under the table and pull a plow through the mud.

So you're not aware of all the facts that have been presented and the number of indictments that have been given? I think it's pretty straightforward only a blind retard neanderthal white man couldn't see what's so blatantly in their face.

Never in my life will I deny being mentally retarded so give me the "evidence" or "lack thereof."

There's this site, google, and it's a wonderful portal into everything you might have questions about. Check it out

Google, much like Fox News, is liberal propaganda.

Oh so you really are retarded

This is exactly why I have begun to despise liberals...You all just hit me with snarky "oh you du-know? well you must not be watching THE NEWS you fucking idiot..." statements. I don't know and I'm admitting that so fucking tell me some actual information you pedantic asshole.

google the topic and read what reuters or AP is saying on it. You're not asking something specific, you're asking for an extremely broad overview, and you can get that on your own. People like you are the reason we have the saying "give a man a fish he'll eat for a meal, teach a man to fish and he'll fuck off with his retarded questions and calling people liberals in a subreddit that is filled with people who couldn't possibly be liberal"


I don't despise you even though you despise me but I am annoyed. How can you ask someone to provide you with information when you refuse to acknowledge any source as reputable/unbiased. You don't trust Fox News/NYT but you trust some rando on r/o&a? I can literally give you sources from the websites I linked above that talk about the probe but there's no sense in doing it if you think they're all unreliable.

If you really want to understand the issue, you have to read multiple sources and form your own opinion.

You can not get reliable information from the probe by simply reading comments in this sub. This sub is like t_d but without any attempt to hide the racism.

I can literally give you sources from the websites I linked above that talk about the probe but there's no sense in doing it if you think they're all unreliable.

Then do it, faggot. How retarded are you to think I was being serious about Fox being liberal propaganda?

OK. Name some sources of news that I can show you that you'll trust. I'm not going to waste my time if you're going to simply dismiss it as liberal propaganda.

Fox news is a right wing source so it was a fucking joke to say it's liberal propaganda you retard. Just link me a news source or two then explain why you think it's correct like a DBQ essay (Chicago citations only, MLA is for conservative fags) and we can take it from there. You're using my joke as an excuse to not provide any information at all so you can stand in the corner with your snarky bullshit.

Google, much like Fox News, is liberal propaganda.

I'll bite - What source of news would you trust? Name a reputable source of news that you honestly trust to give you accurate reporting.

Have it?

Good. Go to that source's website and fucking read.

Finished? Great. All news sources are inherently biased so you need to understand that everything you read needs to be fact checked by multiple sources to be understood. Use the method you applied to your source above to other sources of news to form your opinion. I'll give you some starters.

The Hill


Washington Examiner

Washington Post




Once you done this, you should have a firm grasp about how to form your own opinion without trolling this cesspool.

Name a reputable source of news that you honestly trust to give you accurate reporting.

/r/opieandanthony Which is why I am asking this question right now, fuckface.


You are helpless. How do you figure out shit on a day to day basis?

I usually tend to try helping the everyday people I encounter in my life through small efforts in order to make at least some impact on their lives. I don't vote and I don't generally watch the news everyday, sorry dude... no matter how many times I vote my state will remain almost as blue as your balls.

But what if I'm a stupid retard and only want to read things that will confirm what I want to believe?

Then you've come to the right place! Enjoy rock bottom where there's nowhere to go but up!

I don't believe anything so I'm asking a question.

Why are you asking a real question to /r/opieandanthony? Did you expect anything more than everyone calling you a retard? Go on /r/NoStupidQuestions or /r/NeutralPolitics

Because I wanted 75% jokes and 25% here's the nitty gritty.

Those articles look pretty long. Can you just sum them up for me and then call me an idiot? Please & thank you.

Mueller say Russia bad, they say no we not bad, Mueller look for things that show Russia bad, he find many thing say Russia bad. idiot

Den wut bad about rush-uh?

The United States, Israel, and Saudi Arabia are beginning to align into a single Bloc. This is unprecedented, because Saudi Arabia and Israel were formerly enemies.

Russia and Iran are on the other side.

China and North Korea are wild cards.

Neohawks on the left AND the right have been itching to start a war with Russia and have been using Syria as a proxy.


Russiagate is basically the cunts in the military industrial complex itching to start a war so they can continue to sell their shit.

They've been trying to do this for years:

1) Hillary wanted a 'no fly' zone in Syria, which would've triggered a war with Russia

2) Obama declared that "cyber attacks would be responded to like any other attack."

Basically Russia is savvy enough to avoid starting a war, so TPTB have created a "Gulf of Tonkin" via Russiagate.

Remember, every other major war started over stupid shit:

1) Gulf of Tonkin

2) Franz Ferdinand

3) Iraq's "WMDs"

4) the sinking of the Maine

And this is why you don't blatantly trust asshats on this thread. This comment above is a straight-up lie. You'd have to be an idiot to think the US is aligned against Russia at this point. Literally nothing indicates that.

You have literally not employed a single fact or source in this fake debate yet you insist on being a sanctimonious dickhead.


As long as I'm being an asshat, the biggest mass shooting in US history was a botched assassination attempt on Saudi royalty, and was covered up because the U.S. isn't ready for another 9/11

this is literally true in a literal sense.

i'd like to know POW's opinion on the narrative of Assad's genius gassing of children war strategy. Totally true i bet

Or he was just a mentally unstable american who has been radicalized by right-wing conspiracy theories.

Does this sound familiar to anyone here?

1) I used to live in Nevada, all the gun nuts think this way

2) Paddock was a reclusive millionaire gun dealer. Were you expecting him to be left wing? You should check out this dude Anthony Cumia, he has a show where he rants about this stuff all day

3) lulz that it took them nine months to concoct a motive

I did learn the Gulf of Tonkin was bullshit in 10th far you are winning this debate.



The answer to everything you want to know is "CIA"

Japanese cars are for Joe Cumias....


Facts are racist, man

Niggers,fags,and cunts.

What are you talking about?

There's this site, google, and it's a wonderful portal into everything you might have questions about. Check it out

Seriously, tell me what joke I'm stealing you faggot.

Why are you asking a real question to /r/opieandanthony? Did you expect anything more than everyone calling you a retard? Go on /r/NoStupidQuestions or /r/NeutralPolitics