What you guys think about the faggot singer movie?

0  2018-05-17 by AnthonyCumiaSux


It looks like it might be good.

Thought so too but I read that they’re skipping out that fact that he fucked dudes and that he contracted and died of AIDS. Kind of important factors in Freddie Mercury’s life story.

“faster than the speed of light” is the best song to listen too while contracting aids

I think the Academy Awards are going to suck this movies dick and get AIDS.

Can someone please remix their music like this trailer?

I love their originals of course, but the mix is dope.

pretty easy to mix gold with gold tho

queen is proof god’s love is real

Freddy Mercury was tops

Or was he bottoms or sumptin’? Tss tss

Anyone else gonna point out that Mike Myers is in this, and he's basically just doing the Shrek voice?

why be redundant

freddy had a lot of layers tho to be fair

Littlefinger is in it, too, hopefully doing a somewhat reasonable accent this time.

Rami Malek is ready to snatch Golden Globes, SAG and Oscar in 2019.

The guy could sing.

I hope its a comedy. His statement 24 hours before he died is funny.

"My privacy has always been very special to me and I am famous for my lack of interviews. Please understand this policy will continue"

He borat guy was supposed to play him but they fagged out. He’s a spitting image

Surprised, Stink Shortin wasn't a big fan of the faggotry band.