Anthony, if You Hate Niggers so Much, Why Are You so Obsessed With Them?

1  2018-05-17 by SpaceCaseBassFace

You always yell at us for spending so much time and energy hating your's, Opie's, and Jim's shows. I'll admit, it makes sense. If you hate something, why not ignore it? Why not find something positive, something you legitimately enjoy, to devote your time to? We'd be much happier if we did that, instead of hate-listening to obscure radio shows nobody outside the Autism spectrum is familiar with.

How about you take your own advice you delusional pederast fuck? When was the last time you had to interact with an actual black person from the actual hood? When are you ever going to have to go to the hood? Why do you give a fuck if the people you hate the most are killing each other in record numbers? Do you check under your bed for the nigger man before you pass out every night?

At least when we hate you guys obsessively, we're funny about it. Something you haven't been in years. I hope a basketball American breaks into your home and you shoot him with your illegal gun and he files suit and takes your McMansion away from you, then turns it into a crack house.


Speak for yourself nigger I love Anthony’s Nonstop FBI Fact Jamboree, especially the green screen

Nice try wit da hate sniff

Like Anthony has it in him to shoot someone.

If he didnt lose his gun Dani would be 6 feet deep right now. Nice try tho, hes clearly tougher than you.

You dont get it, loser. Anthony isn't like us, just obsessing over shit he hates for no reason. Anthony is trying to be funny and entertaining, hes trying to keep up the subs the best way he knows how! Making people laugh and actually THINK by hammering these points into his listeners heads every single day. If he's saying the truth, why not keep saying it every day, loser? Get over yourself.

If he didnt lose his gun Dani would be 6 feet deep right now. Nice try tho, hes clearly tougher than you.