fucking retard fell for fake bill burr account i made..

553  2018-05-17 by dezorg


Great job

milk tits realised that wouldn't happen in a million years and deleted his tweet

Doing God’s work.

Imagine the panic when he realised it was fake. Opie never fails to deliver.

Opie never fails to deliver

There’s a motherly lifegiving teats joke in there somewhere

Not really

You've been a very good boy today enjoy your upvotes

This is the kind of shit we need to be doing more of. Time to get back to our roots.

Yeah I tried to pretend to like him for a couple days. Not for me.

At least you tried.

I actually half liked his podcast with Carl, then he had Vic and Sherrod on and I remembered why I despised his solo show.

There is no 'we', as per Reddit terms and conditions.

Praise him, praise him. They hath seen the Light; and it was good.

That’s fucking hilarious.

Outstanding. What a doofus.

he actually @'d at the real billburr account lolll..

Right on, dezorg killing it for us today!

holy shit lmfao

Someone just got added to the power rankings.

He gets one point, and having 1 point puts you in first place.

Show some respect to Scorch, Denny and Dr Steve you filthy mongrel.

And M.

And Vizio and their line of irresistible sound bars.

Love the sound, hate the trail of dead toddlers tho

SMALL price to pay! FAWK YEAH!!!!

If we're counting per tweet, M. has at least 10000 points

Fake Burr Twitter Account +5000

Jesus, having the letter "l" in your username is living dangerously these days.

He's so needy to be acknowledged that he's probably not even embarrassed, just genuinely disappointed

I almost felt bad for him for a second there.



Shit that’s funny

Even if it had been real, it was unenthusiastic as hell. It was two words long and wasn't even capitalised. Yet Opie immediately jumped on it and starting gushing with gratitude as if Bill would be his saviour. Poor, desperate old fuck

Opie can only ride on those Guy Fieri coattails for so long

That was the brilliance of it.

Steer the ship captain

If you’re going after Billy Burr for bad grammar you’re gonna need a bigger boat! Am I right or wrong gang

“we’re having a blast” nothing says sadness and depression like announcing how well things are going.

I wish it was a shotgun blast.

He’s such a boob desperate for any notoriety that’s well behind him

bil|burr lol

He reads every response to his tweets.

Doesn't take long....

Alright this is a horrible self-indulgant comment that isnt needed but this post earned it:


What? What's got ya laffin taday?

That Opie thought bill burr really tweeted "good podcast" at him and continued to invite him on. How is that not funny

Oh, literal faggot!

I was tired

That's no excuse for autism.

<80 IQ

140 IQ, okay, folksh?

Can't wait to have you on.

Oh Jesus Christ.

Fuckin lol. What a wet brain


"Good podcast?"

That was your zinger?

Dude it's genius, r u kidding?


I hope Bill actually goes on and they discuss 🐜's racism.


I like that people seem to think I'm serious

Ha, you know he shouted it over excitedly to a disinterested Lynsi and didn't say anything after realising.

i doubt she’d stay in the room for long enough after he jiggles his way in there. Imagine that. Yikes

You are mistaken if you think Gregg and Lynsi are still living under the same roof

Hold on he said it, not me. I was just goin with the bit. Sniff

He’s Bobo with money.

That's the brilliance of me, awlroight.

Th-th-that's the bit...

Bobo will soon surpass Opie's wealth if he keeps scamming people on gofundme for some quick cash. Tits is slowly draining his bank account to do a podcast he probably doesnt get paid for.

How is he draining his bank account exactly?

He lives in new york and implied that westwood one doesn't pay him anything, so what is he making money on?

That laterally warrants a "buahah"

What a fool

What's great is how simple you kept it. Such discipline. Well done

Kudos sir you get the star for the day.

Bill is such a nice guy he will probably go on the show now because he doesn’t want to address this

"What kinda chocolate?"

"Good podcast" lol so simplistic

heh, you know he put in a call straight to Carl after this.

Only idiots with shit optics say they're "having a blast" for anything at anytime.

Can someone explain to me how this is sly? I dont get twitter

It's a place where if you have a low amount of followers you can put back into obscurity.

You're doing the Lord's work

Imagine if Ant had never gone on his racist twitter rant back at sirius? Would we still despise all 3 of them for the human garbage they are? I used to love the show, but individually they really showed their true colors.

What a fuckin dullard lol

Can you post a link to the fake account so we can see what he fell for


Can't wait to have you on PERIOD we're having a blast PERIOD

opie is totally in on the bit guys

just wanted to give that guy the thrill of possibly tricking the loki of radio

kind of like a dad letting his kid score on him.

I'm a liI bit tipsy at 1am, but I had to squint very hard.

Who’s opie?

This is how oblivious and egotistic Opie is. Instead of having any hesitation to click on the profile which takes to 2 seconds... he responds as if it's reality. Mental illness is a real motherfucker.


sound of bag being zipped up in the background


Opie is 3D chess when it comes to radio.

That was pretty masterful, seriously well done!

We should all make fake celebrity Twitters and fuck with this guy


What an idiot. Seems like the sub has new a gag to run with for a bit

Yes, it IS a great feather in your cap to have fooled a retard...

You did good kid.

Dumb cunt.

I would love for Burr to make an appearance, but only if Opie brings back up the time stanky pussy defeated his "black girl fetish".

How much do you want to bet that Opie gets angry at the real Bill Burr for this?

I'd bet my life on it. That's impressive insight, because that would be a classic move by this big titted basketcase.

The only problem is that it would mean admitting this happened and he got fooled. After all, that's the bit.

ME: "I fawkin' knew it wasn't Bill Burr! That's the bit! I'm a radio gawd!!!"

classic desperate opie

What a beauty

Why do all of them think we give a shit about how much "fun" they are having? Just do an entertaining broadcast

"good podcast" those simple 2 words kill me for some reason lol

I can’t tell if I feel bad for the Opster or if this post is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen

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Dude it's genius, r u kidding?