Jim should just completly indulgde at this point he has nothing left

15  2018-05-17 by pta11

The only thing the worm has is a radio show he doesnt even like.Why the fuck is he still trying to be sober and drug free at this point.He doesnt have a wife or children instead of spending his time doing drugs and getting drunk he goes to the gym and diets to look like an anorexic heroin addict with aids.Funny thing is if he did drugs he would look the same but at least he would be able to eat what he wanted and would of had fun doing it.He honestly believes he will get a girl in her 20s,how the fuck is that going to happen 99% of girls are disgusted with guys who are 10 years older than them they only go for older guys with money.At this point he really should try to marry mary jean i honesly believe thats the best he would get


Damm nigga u a hater

Isn't his dad also "in recovery"? He probably doesn't drink or do drugs (or live openly as a homosexual) solely because he doesn't want to disappoint his parents after claiming to be an addict for so long. As long as they're around Jim will continue the charade.

When's the last time you think Jim spoke to his parents? I'm betting it's been at the very least a couple of years.

All he does is complain like an old jewish woman. No one likes a complainer and a buzzkill. Who would do drugs with an effeminate old man with no friends or hobbies?

He already has

Mary Jean could do a lot better

Jim was so fucked up as a kid. So much so, he can recall everything he did whilst under the influence. He called in a bomb threat and turned up to work toasted atleast twice.. .. oh..and gave a shitty speech to his parents from some Movie . .. . .not even a blackout

What? Most women like older guys. And all women love older guys with money. It just shows what a fuck-up Norton is that he can get a younger girl (if you actually believe that. It's pretty obvious that he's gay).

Older guys by like 5 years not a 20 year old with a 50 year old

He defines himself as an addict..

Deprives himself of some truly enriching poisons.. yet figures dick pills and excessive masturbation free and clear.

Fuck you, douche bag... you're an asshole. Patrice would shit on you.. kindly.