Danny now has Blobby in his sights. Has he gone too far this time?

2  2018-05-16 by Rock-Coat


The linked tweet was tweeted by @ToPancakesHouse on May 16, 2018 23:41:49 UTC (0 Retweets | 0 Favorites)

Just saw the movie #UNSANE. Not bad, but it was really hard to believe that fat fuck Slob Kelly met the physical ability test requirements to be a cop. I mean, I tried to suspend my disbelief but that's a lot to ask for. At least he talked about coffee. BOOM!

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Danny Ross is 5’4”

5'5" with Yarmulke.

If he stands on his toes.

People are dying to know what he thought about the movie so I don't see what the problem is. Jealous much?

How does Danny's obscure podcast have like 9K followers?

I assumed he was buying followers but apparently not: https://www.twitteraudit.com/ToPancakesHouse

obviously that site is not accurate. it also says opie’s twitter followers are mostly legitimate.

If you've been banished back to obscurity, but then you hire a co-host who has 6000 fewer followers does that bring me back out? I'm confused with this math.

thought jews were supposed to be good at math?

Oh right, you guys think I'm Jewish.

weve all seen your nose danny. jews are connected by blood even if you dont follow the religion. dont act like you dont have a hunger for sheckels


He has the thirst for christian baby blood, like all his fellow hebrews.

Leave my friend Daniel alone.

No hate, I'm just genuinely curious as to how a podcast with 4 episodes and $9.00/mo on Patreon also has 9k followers. Are you a marketing genius or something?

Well the account was started in 2008 so it's an old account that he just changed the name of, his podcast wouldn't get that many followers and he knows it

It must've been his old twitter or something and he still has followers from the show-era. He doesn't have enough interactivity to think those are all new followers as like half of his tweets get any interaction in the way of likes / retweets. There should be a rolling ratio stat that counts total followers / interactions over like 100 tweets. Tits would obviously have pathetic ratios but it's in the same ballpark as Danny.

Danny's never seen a fat cop? What a dummy.

Dish the dirt on Bobby, /u/TheBlueAwning.

No dirt.

Just didn't appreciate the way he handled the Patrice benefit. Sucks going to see a movie and you gotta deal with fat turtle body the whole damn thing.

You're on a life raft with Burr, Kelly, and Opie. You've got toss one overboard*, who goes?

*No, you can't just toss Bobby because he's really fat, and might capsize the raft.

Opie 100%. Burr and Kelly did me dirty, but nothing that could never be remedied. Although now that I think about it, I may keep Opie to hold onto his breasts should the raft be destroyed.

You did offer your services to Opie recently. Why would you seek employment from a guy you dislike this much?

It wasn't so much offering services as it was a call to produce a show. Dude's show sucks. A dick. Livestreaming from a line cook's shack isn't something I'd like to produce.

In fairness, the line cook had more to offer that shit show than Opie. My Theory is - He's knowingly starting off with shitty episodes, bad audio quality, etc. Then he's gonna shine this turd into an emerald but we all know its just gonna remain a shit nugget. And you offered to wade into this Sewage!

Burr and Kelly did me dirty

Go on...

I've told the story.

tl'dr - Kelly asked me to do the Patrice poster. They didn't want to pay for production so I fronted 5 grand to a couple millionaires who gave me nothing but grief for doing it. Handled all the logistics, processing..etc. Thank you woulda been nice. Only 16K for Patrice's mom.

I've told the story.

tl'dr - Kelly asked me to do the Patrice poster. They didn't want to pay for production so I fronted 5 grand to a couple millionaires who gave me nothing but grief for doing it.

You just said a couple days ago that you were "more than happy to do it for free", so what are you complaining about?

Hopefully no one wastes the time bringing this to Bobby's attention since he wasn't @ mentioned in it. I'm sure he only has fond memories of Danny and wouldn't have any response.

Bobby will happily appear for free on any podcast called Pancakes House. He really burned a bridge.

If he stands on his toes.