Now that the AA Show is over, here's a challenge for you autists:

12  2018-05-16 by Single_Action_Army

Tally how many shows Artie was late to/absent from.
Super mega autism bonus challenge: calculate the percentage of his attendance based on the minutes he was not in studio.


You forgot to add to the equation how out of his head on smack/junk/K/goofballs he was while in studio

I’m still waiting for the joke repeat super cut. I’d be willing to donate to a Gofundme to get it done. It might be the one thing that could make Artie seek real help.

That’s gonna cost at least $65k.

More of you want it animated.

I'd pitch in for this.

i wish i was better at math

I’d like to break down how much artie actually performed versus the amount of money he was paid. then see how much artie you got per month based on however much a subscription costs

The amount of times he was at least 20 minutes late were probably at minimum 75-80%. It was regular by November.

I just did this with one of my coworkers, and presented the results.

I think they were more angry at me than the offending employee.

I'm going to miss that green screen'd fake framed pic of Colombo.