Boy, Jim should never talk about politics.

95  2018-05-16 by RBuddCumia

I know this isn’t news here but I finally listened to J&S just to hear the Bobby debacle and man, does Jim really come off as a fool. Between completely missing/not caring enough to get Bobby Lee’s point about Kim Jong-Un purposefully trying to fuck up the peace deal to mispronouncing Charlottesville as “Charlotteville” he really needs to shut the fuck up. He tries to sell himself as this no-nonsense, unpartisan fella that just knows enough to “tell it like it is” but he doesn’t even know that much.

I don’t think Jim’s that dumb of a guy — he’s not that bad for a queen who dropped out but he’s obnoxiously ignorant and blind. He only picks up on the biggest news stories of the last year peripherally and he thinks by rattling off his minuscule knowledge in a disconnected and nonchalant tone it makes him seem cool and against the grain.

Go back to telling jokes, baby boy.


Charlottesville was a false flag

that land-whale's heart attack was CIA orchestrated. Another patsy like Oswalt, only we got it on camera this time!

A heart attack a result of being deliberately run over.

When does that trial begin? God its going to be so annoying with the slow sad piano, pictures of crying communists and news segments with names like "Hate on Trial" when right wing violence has slightly risen after a year of peaceful liberals were assaulting MAGA hat wearers.

Which side has killed more people?

The guy who's a bernie supporter who shot up the congressional baseball game

Why do I have a feeling the media will lose its goddamn mind when that kid is found innocent?

I find this outcome extremely unlikely. Especially if the trial is in Charlottesville.

There are reports he acted that way because someone was carrying a gun. I dunno the whole thing seems fishy to me but I'm retarded anyways.

Reports from... fringe right-wing websites? If you know the layout of Charlottesville and the downtown mall you'd know how absurd this sounds. It's a walking mall, not a shopping mall. There is no auto traffic and only a small amount of cross traffic. There would be absolutely no reason to turn down that road at that time except to do massive damage to the people protesting.

Dwayne Dixon of Redneck Revolt is on video describing what he did with his gun to chase this car away and while that is not evidence he in fact did such or it was exactly the Challenger it does make sense.

Stupid kid driving down street filled with protesters who will/want to shred him and he hears a bang that sounds like a gun AND something is striking his car?

I can see gassing it.

You are right there was no reason to turn down that road which lends credence to out of town person alone realizing he was absolutely in the wrong place without a clue as to how to get away.

Alot of those neo nazis were carrying AR-15s that day. If the counter protestors had guns, it does not give him a reason to ram them with his car

Try again it was mostly ANTIFA that was carrying weapons. I'd say hardly any "neo-Nazis" were.

I have not seen one image of any of the neo nazis with guns and by now I should have since every image has been analyzed like the Zapruder film to dox guys just to fire them from jobs like a hot dog restaurant in California.

I am not saying you are wrong because I don't have absolute proof either but I have seen ANTIFA with guns at the event and I have yet to see any of the neo nazis with guns except the scene in the hotel room on Vice.

He was being chased by at least 3 people and at least one had an AR-15.

This is where Dave Smith shines. Or maybe that’s the grease on his face

Who wouldn't one listen to the political musings from the Waffling Worm? He's not what you would call a critical thinker.

Tss, yeah, hoo hoo ones two listen robin

It's unfortunate the he and Sam find it necessary to delve into politics and current events on every show. I get that it's an easy go to, but they do no prep or research into these topics beyond a cursory browse through mainstream media..

It’s ok to say you don’t know something

Both of them are woefully uninformed.neither has a grip on current events.

Yeah, bobby sounded equally as uninformed as Jim and Sam, which ain’t easy

They do have a grip on men's phalluses though

If you enjoy your foreign policy knowledge to the depth of an TMZ clip, they've got you covered!

I don’t think Jim’s that dumb of a guy

Not dumb, but he has no curiosity to learn anything. He hasn't cared to learn anything new since 1990 besides UFC and that's barely.

Did you hear about this a Chuck Liddell fella? I heard he’s the bee’s knees in the UFC.

He's a motherfucker. He could be a real problem.

I bet he has a huge dick and is a sub in bed.

Nailed it

he sounds less informed about fighters than me, and i only watch PPVs and pay attention to it for like 48 hours beforehand.

He's pretty dumb.

Nah, that's just the AIDS destroying his brain more and more every day.

I truly want to know what he does when he's not working, traveling and doing stand up shows/podcasts, or eating out. His own time. Dude has no family at all, even with the work he does he still has plenty of free empty time on his hands. Does he just skim twitter with a 4 second attention span and then shift his head to a TV, then back to twitter on his phone, for the given 3-8 hours of personal free time he has? Does he stalk sex workers and invest misguided emotional energy into pathetic and doomed 'relationships' like he did with Kelsey Cook and Thor? What can you possibly do to be so surface-level on every subject imaginable, technology, current events, history, any kind of culture (and even comedy culture, his, he has nothing to say.. he doesn't watch others)

I think he has a serious learning disability and all his success is a distraction from how devastating it would be to his actual life outcome if he weren't able to tell quick good jokes

Just think about how many Wikipedia articles he would have to read to come up with an opinion

He can barely name two UFC champs

He just like to fangirl over "Thug Rose" (such a thug lifer she nearly had a breakdown because she got upset at McGregor throwing shit at the bus she was on.)

If he was heterosexual he'd only care about Paige Van Zant and not most of those butch dyke hoez.

Showing up to the events and not looking up from his phone until the main event is not anything resembling "learning" about the UFC.

He's like Joe Rogan in that he changes his opinion depending on who he recently marinated with. Worms, both of them.

Joe Rogan a worm? Hardly. He’s as solid as a rock.

A really tiny rock

A pebble even

Bring that up Jamie

Rogan is absolutely a fucking worm

Just enter the code word Rogan

His whole onnit shit reeks of snake oil salesman.

Good thing we at least got a free podcast out of it, the only reason he's doing it is to sell magic pills

He’s a sweaty idiot.

A pebble.


Jim's the "Tell 'em what I think will bode best for me among people of greater influence" type-a guy. He don't mince words, bub.

That's where you're wrong. Jim Norton really *is* that dumb of a guy.

It's not that Jim is a moron. He isn't, he does have common sense, which he relied on for years to mock shit on-air and be funny doing it. He played it off and used context clues. His problem is that he's lazy. He has no drive to keep up with reality, he just makes vague references that he overhears.

Colin Quinn on the other hand is the guy Norton always wanted to be. At this rate, Colin knows so much about the planet that he knows too much and doesn't even do humor about it anymore. His humor amounts to what I believe is mocking Norton by going on Twitter and making vague comments trying to pass them off as insightful.

"With everything that is going on these days, I just feel like I agree with everyone else out there. It's getting really crazy, especially with how everything is now."

Colin Quinn knows too much? Go fuck your self. He's is a little less retarded, but hes an uneducated clown like the rest of them.

Jim is a real fucking cunt and getting cuntier by the day.

Ahehehe xD I guess le username checks out, m'redditors!

Colin called all this out a very long time ago. He's wise beyond his years. A sage if you will

Jim Norton is a high-school drop out. He's above-average intelligence, but he's never been educated. He has never experienced a true educational setting, and he's missed out on the critical life foundation experience that ~98% of non-retarded adults achieve.

Jim is a complete Narcissist and Egomaniac.

Tell us how ya really feel

Jim has no personality now that he can't siphon it off Colin.

Jim as always tries to sound smart but never really pulls it off.

Jim shouldn't say anything because he's a no talent hack

I forget which judge it was, but Jim was talking about how he didn’t want him in as he was too much of a Conservative politician. Ann Coulter had to point out that when people refer to him as “conservative”, it is conservatism of opinion and judgment, NOT conservative of politics.

Switch to Cumtown already.

Cumtown is the least funny, most boring, beta, faggiest podcast I've ever listened too. None of them are even REMOTELY funny. Nick sends ballwashers here to post about, which you well may be. NO.

You need to read one news article per week to have a modicum of information worthy of some discussion. It's not even that fucking hard. Dtoo busy edging himswlves to men online l

But the media is so dishonest. We need Jim to remind us of it at all times.

yes, I usually get all my current from reddit instead

The title of this thread could do without the comma.

yea I just skip that.

Ahehehe xD I guess le username checks out, m'redditors!