*bites and chokes heroin addict gf*

119  2018-05-16 by RBuddCumia


Nana Cumia's bizarre lack of self-awareness #1089.

Is he still using his mugshot in promotional material?

He was arrested for bank robbery or something hard core like that I assume

I am Jack's lack of self awareness.


"I'm not saying he was RIGHT. I'm just saying, I understand..."

The switch to violence is immediate. No discussion, just violence. When will THAT be addressed? Oh, right, never.


Could u post that picture of ur ass with wedgied underwear while u were sitting near ur sink? Thanks babe

That’s the stuff

You're definitely whiter than Anthony.

i still don't understand why you post here

She’s literally crazy

She hears voices in her head, but I like her

Because women are attention whores and this ugly negress just happened to find her niche here.

Nice ancient phone, stupid.

What's your address?

They aren't people!

Who is he even arguing against with these questions? Does he think anyone is excusing the stabbing of a man over talking during a TV show?

He's arguing his black half. Weird Jekyll and Hyde shit. Pretty sure that's what cheap domestic beer does to a brain.

'Is there even a SECOND of consideration for consequences?'

Yeah, that's why it says he KEPT talking. He had his chance to shut up and he enticed her.

Maybe alcohol was involved ant?

Of course the only reason Anthony would comment on something like this is because the person was black. I didn't bother checking so I dont know.

How do you know the person in the story isn't Asian?

Did she stab him with chopsticks while saying ching chong ching?

It's certainly a possibility and we should wait for all the facts to come in before we just assume the black girl was black.

Oh, you're a Britfag who is calls Paki ragheads Asian, huh? Turn off the beeb, you cumchugger!


I don't know how to respond to that and for whatever it's worth I'm an Amerifag.

He's clearly talking about slant eyed Asians. They commit the lowest amount of crime out of any race which makes it the best choice.

He was so drunk he doesn't remember

72 hour rage tweeting resulting in losing a multi million dollar job

What type of reaction does he get from the people not in obscurity to not feel like an idiot constantly posting this stuff

He's like Sonny Corleone, beating 7 shades of shit out of Carl for slapping Connie when Sonny was the one who set them up in the first place.

Italians really are lighter-shaded niggers.

I love watching this cunt unravel.

he got angry over a clickbait article?

It's a shame how much I hate him now and how lame and pathetic he has become

That could be the official tagline of this place.


I used to think he was cool. Now I despise him. Obama and twitter truly ruined that man

Such deep commentary by Ant. Why didn't this crazy bitch who more than likely is bipolar or has some other severe mental disorder, just take a deep breathe and reconsider stabbing her friend to death. Why doesn't every school shooter just reconsider gunning down droves of children? Boy the world SURE would be a better if place if people were just a little nicer, am I right gang?

Plus who gets killed by a girl...and by stabbing no less.

I could see maybe if she had a gun but a knife? Unless this was like the opening scene in Troy, that dudes a puss.

Speaking of Troy, has he flung anymore women off of cliffs? I stopped listening to the show because neither Jim or Sam have anything interesting to say.

Not taking a second to consider the consequences? You mean like if some guy were to throw away a seven figure salary by going on a racist Twitter tirade?

Hahaha holeeeyyy shit! Does this idiot really not consider himself a criminal? He is why Italian Americans will never be taken seriously. Fucking wop.

Smack a bitch =/= fatally stabbing somebody

He broke her rib, moron.

I just searched "Dani Golightly broken rib" and found nothing. Some "alleged broken hand" articles, and some "allegedly fractured rib" articles.

Here, you ballwashing loser: "A video later surfaced on YouTube appearing to capture the incident. Brand, then 26, suffered a broken rib, swollen arm and chest pain, authorities said." (https://www.newsday.com/long-island/radio-shock-jock-anthony-cumia-pleads-guilty-to-assault-1.11964476) And here are the prosecution's court docs: https://m.imgur.com/a/nFWQJ

Brand, then 26, suffered a broken rib, swollen arm and chest pain, authorities said

Find me an x-ray.

As for the courtroom "docs", its all blurry.

And you're a faggot

It's from a local news report where they confirmed she was hospitalized for her broken rib and THAT'S WHY HE PLEAD GUILTY TO ASSAULT, you dumb fuck. The prosecution didn't just make up a fantasy broken rib story with no X-rays and hospital records and it held up in court. Jesus Christ you're stupid.

No, bruises ribs maybe. Not broken

BROKEN, both the authorities and prosecution said. These are facts. You are a loser living in Fantasyland.

I didn't see any xrays. I'm not going by what some lunatic on a message board says, either

Whoa. Easy there fella. I thought he only broke her ribs.

This was stunningly ironic and unbelievable. I can't figure out if he thinks nobody knows about his crimes or he has convinced himself they never happened. Accepting responsibility is part of being an adult. Self-awareness, self-realization and self-correction are all required for emotional growth. Otherwise you remain a petulant child your whole life....or President