Opie is trying to get The Rock on his podcast. Chip already did that. They are merging into one.

36  2018-05-16 by Dennyislife


The linked tweet was tweeted by @OpieRadio on May 16, 2018 18:36:12 UTC (0 Retweets | 4 Favorites)

HA! Come on @TheRock do my podcast like... you know...old times sake! Pretty please! https://twitter.com/SweatpantBoners/status/996817660510986241

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Opie is just grasping at anything as he tumbles down a well called obscurity.

He named his 4th episode Guilty by Association too.

What a derivative boob.

How much of a hack do you have to be to steal from Joe Cumia


Civilians can't use that word because we don't understand it's deeper implications. I'm gonna preyend I never read this but be careful what you say around here.

So according to Opie, he could've had huge A list stars on his first podcast in front of thousands of fans that would be aired in Times Square on the jumbotron. But just 4 episodes in, he is now begging on twitter to have a past O&A guest he felt he had a rapport with to be on his podcast.

The Rock hates Opie, what an ass

Some should spam the Rock with videos of Opie abusing a homeless man of similar ethnicity to him.

ME: There was a loooot of problems with management getting the jumbotrron. I swear that we had this all in the works, before Howard had to ruin it. keep trying to be a hater though. I have people on the inside, trust me

He said no to the SUITS because he wants to do the show his own way, rebuild it from the ground up. This is his plan in action.

Again, Mr "I've been doing radio since I was 18!" doesn't know that you book guests through their agents.

All those times Lainie brought porn stars into the studio, and it never occurred to him that she's part of the process.

Worked for Fake Roland.

Fair point.

Fake Roland had talent and tact. Opie has skidmarks in his weathered Hanes tighty-whiteys and a cuban friend who hates him that lives in the woods.

too bad he's not friendly with a radio talent booker lmao

So it's come to this... Publicly begging. How humiliating.

This is embarrassing

And I love it.

Wish that fake Booker would come around and book stupid ppl, oh wait, he already dies that on his own.