Me - "Iv been booking podcast guests since I was 54" (opie begs the Rock to do his podcast)

58  2018-05-16 by stinkypussay


The linked tweet was tweeted by @OpieRadio on May 16, 2018 14:13:11 UTC (0 Retweets | 7 Favorites)

Remember this @TheRock ? 😁😂 Me not so smart. Doing a podcast for @WestwoodOne and would love to have you on!

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What an idiot 😁😂

Artie Lange got excited when he saw Rock. He was ready to go on Opies show and smoke it

All you have to do is yell this loudly and then pause at weird times and you have a winning roast battle joke


He's past his prime and never had an iconic role. He looks like shit now. Bautista got a better role as a Marvel ogre.

edit unironically sucking The Rock's dick because you liked his fake wrestling? kill yourselves losers.

I think you're forgetting about the tour de force that was the character of the Scorpion King, you uncultured swine.

Hey that's the father of Sib's grandson you're talking about. Show some respect.

There's a baby's head in that couch!!!!

I do like the rock character But that brown fuck only puts out shitty movies except for walking tall. He sucks

I liked him in Doom

The Rock already did Chippers podacast.

Disappointing to hear Norton got a big guest. He should be wallowing in obscurity with Ant & Opie.

Sirius got a big guest. They never remember Jim when they leave that room.

Except the Chip podcast isn't on Sirius.

but it's only because he pubs with Sirius.


You're a moron

That settles that.

nice upvote bot stupid

No I'm pretty confident you are a moron.. I don't need a bot to prove that, just keep commenting 😀

Jim is shit. He wont stand on his own when its finally over. All his industry friendships will disappear when he has no company show for them to plug their shit on.

And he did that shit mma podcast

Hey Opie, little advice. Maybe aim for the lower fruit for your unknown, barely heard free podcast and work your way up?

why do you think he did the @westwoodone?

He thinks it brings him credibility when will it does is show them his irrelevance.

no because it's all the agents look it when they tell they're idiots where to talk

He's gonna ask Anthony?!

Lotta problems over there

But why would he need to beg celebrities to come on his show when his manager was going to have celebrities and a live audience for his first podcast?


Hmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

uhhh ACTUALLY he was going to have opie call up his a-list friends and have them on. that's what he's doing right here.

Jim Ross to Opie: "Rock bottom! Rock bottom!"


I hope Opie manages to trick a few celebs who still think he's working for a major company.

I'd love to see The Rock's face as he turns up to Carl's cabin for a "radio interview".

Does anyone here listen to his podcast? I only listened to eight minutes of the first one.

I have listened to zero minutes of the podcast and don't see that changing in the foreseeable future.

The best revenge is living well.

When The Rock came on O&A in 2000 the boys and their sycophants basically supported a website that called The Rock a monkey. When the rock tried to politely address the situation, everybody backtracked and he left the show calmly. It wasn’t until he left the studio that they talked shit about him.

Now look where they are. Tits is a broke, lonely, friendless nobody and the rock is probably the most widely recognized and successful brand in Hollywood.

Dude gets a mil every time he tweets about one of his movies. Simply because of how popular he is and how many people will see the tweet.

Meanwhile Opie still pays a follower farm.

The Rock will do literally any piece of shit for a buck, but even he wouldn't dream of appearing on Opie's brunch show.

Fucking cringe

I can most assuredly inform you that no, he does not remember, Opie.

He should get Artie on his podcast

Anthony has to be so happy that this retard has a show again. It's going to take so much heat off of him.

Ol tits really has no idea that he's a nobody huh?

I think that's the bit but I can't even tell anymore. These guys lives are just one giant shit show of a bit

It's been said before.. opie seems to set himself up to fail on purpose so he can say it was a goof when it does fail... if by some miracle it comes off, he can say "see, I told yo I know what I'm doing"

This can be interpreted as this... You may or may not recognize my name. Yes, I am not the name I used to be. But do you recognize "Westwood One"? Yes sir, that is me.

When I see posts like this I think “nah its too desperate and funny to be true” yet there it is

Don't let this distract you from the fact that in 1966, Al Bundy scored four touchdowns in a single game while playing for the Polk High School Panthers in the 1966 city championship game versus Andrew Johnson High School, including the game-winning touchdown in the final seconds against his old nemesis, "Spare Tire" Dixon.

He should aim lower. Maybe start with Dani Golightly or Jennifer Cumia and go up from there.

Hey remember when I treated you like shit left my show, then I said you would never be anything, Funny stuff, you want to come on my show?

He's slowly working his way to lady di, stalker patty and bobo

There is an Opiequotes twitter account. Fucking hell.

Run by Opie

He's just getting the people talking! Playing 4-d chess

Opie barely can grasp 1D checkers

Opie's been doing radio since he was 18, and still doesn't know that you book guests by going through their agents.

I don't think he remembers.

Dwayne Johnson is a very bankable box office draw. When he bombs at the box office like he did with Baywatch, the fucking movie still does over 150 million. Last December he was the star in a movie that did almost 1 billion dollars and that Fast and the Furious movie he did last April was 1+ billion dollars. I'm sure the billion dollar box office movie star will clear his schedule so he can make it to Manhattan and talk about the history of IPA beers with Podcast Bosoms and a failed line cook.

Opie The Anus Mundi of media.

Opie blocked me on Twitter the day he posted a pic of himself, Patrice, Otto and Ralphie May and I said his career had something in common with them.