Class Personified

134  2018-05-16 by SpudsCuckley


He took this to post on dating sites also. Pathetic.

Must Love Wops


Almost drove off the road from laughing so hard.

Sure it wasn't just cold tires?

I thought he even went a step further and used the pic of him with the car at the track holding a helmet in his hands.

Oh, he did.

Wine, dinner, movies, spontaneous fun

Lost guns, passive aggressive remarks, undealt-with childhood trauma, domestic violence.

karaoke, Seinfeld


Rib biting

Nice six-stroker.

The cumias love shitty fucking cars.

C'mon hate the man not the mustang

Mustangs are awful, sack up and buy a Z06

Don't forget! Buy your embroidered color matched Vette polo so you can look like all the other guys 2 years from a retirement home.

Corvettes are fucking gay.

Nice oversized leather jacket, stupid!

It has to be oversized, that scared lil' fella in that picture probably has on 2 shoulder holsters and 2 in his waist band to help him feel more like a real man.

What a fag

Richie Aprile gave it to him.

What a pencil necked, try hard faggot.

I was looking for a nice white shirt and finding nothing that clicked, but then I saw this sassy little number with a single horizontal line across the nips and fell in love. It's PERFECT!

Pre-HGH Cumia.

Seriously, he was so tiny back then, and he was in his early 40 here

He was just a normal not fat everyday guy, now he's a HGHed mutant with a wet brain and a rotted liver.

lmfao. really almost everyone gradually becomes a fat fuck when they age. with that initial body type, he just started to look normal as he aged.

It's a tough one man. But seriously, Anthony looks unrecognizable now.

This doesn’t seem like he’s trying to conceal his ghoulish looks and creepy personality with possessions at all

Nice white trash vehicle faggot. Dressed like an asshole who drives it.

remember when he wrecked it driving like an asshole?

"cold tires" suuuuure

driving like an asshole


from the night before, hardly counts!

*Drunk driving like an asshole.

He had to go to the Bank in a snow storm. Barely legal teens and tranny porn stars don't hang around him because of his good looks.

re-listening to this - who the fuck goes to a bank

He wrecked it? Is their audio of this somewhere?

Thanks fam

there's a more succinct version of his car crash here

That sound clip doubles as a response to the joke you just made.

I remember that shit. Same old Cumia...

Gosh, Nana, you make it seem like "management" got mad at you for missing shows for no reason. Couldn't be constantly coming in drunk and hungover, falling asleep in studio (while drunk), skipping out on work dozens of times because you were out partying the night before (sometimes without even calling in) all the while still making millions a year.

Na, it's because management were just big ole jerks for asking you to do your job.

He sent the Mustang to Shelby to make it a SuperSnake with 800hp. He then would drive it in the winter on Long Island with summer tires. There's a good chance he lost control of a car he had no business driving in weather it had no business being in. an asshole

He never should've been given money

And it truly was given

Scrawny overcompensating scared little closeted geek.

To be fair Ant never his from the fact that he's long island white trash

He was just so happy to be called 'white'.

The only peoole that ever called him "white" were himself and other Cumias.

Colin called him "the king of white trash" when Anthony was talking about buying his ex's mother new teeth. Anthony could barely contain his glee. I doubt any white trash person has ever relished being described as "trash", white or otherwise. For Antwan, it was a definite compliment.

Nothing guido-ier than showing people pictures of your sportscar.

Obama President Naa-aah!!

"what do I do with my hands?"

I’ve never heard Anthony express interest in muscle cars, meaning you know he got that thing just to pick up 14 year old girls.

The Mustang was to impress his dead father. The Jaguar was to impress young girls.

He's showing women the car he'll abduct them in and the glass of wine that he'll put the Rohypnol in to loosen them up for their 'date'.

He looks like a meth dealer that won the lottery

meth user.

Muhammad in the middle.

It's hard to believe this man was once funny.

nice wine glass, stupid

I enjoy wine, Ill fitting clothing, and a Ford Mustang.

I’m surprised he doesn’t own an IROC Z

Mustangs and Corvettes are the cars white trash buy when they somehow earn enough money to own either of them.

This was the cover of Sep 2012 Gindaloon Life right?

He wear that attire in one of their old promo shots.

My cunt dried up looking at that posture and I don't even have one.

Its amazing that he looks like a completely different human being. All that remains of funny Anthony are the acne scars

He looks like an Old Navy outlet store puked all over him.

Nervous twitchy thumb from taking showers with dad. Sad.

Drink & Drive a faster way to make America great again.

Shouldn't he be wearing Mickey Donavan's Members Only jacket.

So he's trying to ruin leather jackets, jeans, baseball caps, wine, mustangs, and facial hair?

Compare this photo to what he looks like now and try to tell me he's not on HGH.

Hahaha we should keep on posting pictures of a guy we hate so we can talk about how much we don't care about him!

Like whenever you think of someone who drives a Mustang or Cobra, this is exactly the man you picture.

What the fuck... He appears to barely be taller than the car. That's a regular sized wine glass, the dimensional scales work out. He has an ebola head.

Zika, dummy

LOL then he ruined it while running simple suburban errands because it was just too much car for him to handle. Fag.

Baggy jeans with lesbian hiking shoes is always a bad idea.

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Opie & Anthony: Ant's Car Crash (01/25/11) +2 -
Opie & Anthony Car Crash Sound Effect +2 - there's a more succinct audio clip of his car crash here

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"Mr. Esiason, I'm sorry I broke my arm trying to punch your masculine Aryan body, please take this American muscle car as a peace offering and tribute to your true American muscles."

What a dork

HGH: Not even once.

The only peoole that ever called him "white" were himself and other Cumias.

Thanks fam

I remember that shit. Same old Cumia...

Gosh, Nana, you make it seem like "management" got mad at you for missing shows for no reason. Couldn't be constantly coming in drunk and hungover, falling asleep in studio (while drunk), skipping out on work dozens of times because you were out partying the night before (sometimes without even calling in) all the while still making millions a year.

Na, it's because management were just big ole jerks for asking you to do your job.