Opie Podcast Episode #4 - Play-By-Play Analysis

134  2018-05-16 by NateJay82

Episode #4 – Guilt by Association (Vic Henley & Sherrod Small). May 15 2018. Listening to every episode so you don't have to.

  • Opie once again decides to record himself setting up his podcast inside a Manhattan bar.
  • The guys discuss craft beers and Opie parrots Carl’s incorrect and boring history of IPA’s.
  • They talk about getting their kids into private schools and Opie pretends to be above it all.
  • Sherrod makes every single topic about race. Vic and Opie are too afraid to use “the N word”.
  • Opie recalls his feud with The Rock and pretends that Curt Schilling is his friend.
  • Vic tells funny comedian stories. Opie and Sherrod desperately interject themselves into it.
  • Opie makes up stories about “banging parties” and “pulling tail” at his gay college fraternity.
  • Special Surprise Guest Tim Sabean appears to talk about his marijuana investments.
  • Vic is a whiny teenager. He doesn’t want kids. The world sucks. His parents don’t get him man.
  • Drunk people constantly shout in the background. Recording podcasts in a bar was a bad idea.
  • Opie, Vic, and Sherrod give their brilliant views on energy sources and international relations.
  • They interview Kristof the Dutch man while doing Nazi officer impressions for no reason.
  • “Dutch so white. Cocaine so white. Whites so white.” – Chris Rock’s comedic genius cousin.
  • Vic talks about working in bad comedy venues. Sherrod plays “Guess the bar owner’s race”.
  • Opie closes with more boring bar stories because this 2-hour podcast just wasn’t long enough.

Best Moment: Opie inadvertently admitting that Westwood One doesn’t actually pay him.

Worst Moment: Recording at a bar in Opie’s neighborhood to pretend that he is popular, famous, and the life of the party.

Overall: WhatsTheDealWithWhitePeopleThinkingTimSabeanIsASpecialGuest/10


Best Moment: Opie inadvertently admitting that Westwood One doesn’t actually pay him.

What?? Tell me more, I can't listen to this shit

At the end of the show around 1:57:00.

Sherrod says "You might see me on Westwood One soon. If the money's right". Opie bursts out "If the money's right?!". Everybody laughs and Opie is heard away from the mic saying "What inaudible money?!". Take from that what you will.

Near the end of the show. Sherrod says "You might see me at Westwood One soon. If the money's right." Opie bursts out "If the money's right?!". Everybody laughs. Opie can be heard away from the mic saying "What money?!"

So it's just a small amount then.

He pays Westwoood One $750 an episode to put it out under their name.


literal autist

God...i want to know the mental hoops Opie jumps through to comprehend going from a million dollar gig to one where the company pays him shit. How hasn't he moved out of NY yet?

Of course Opie is going to say "What Money?", he used to get paid $1 million / yr, now he'd be lucky to get $100k for doing a podcast.

Hell...the podcast is only twice(?) a week. It's not even a daily national show.

If it's anything like Podcast One they don't make shit and depend on advertising (which he doesn't have besides ads for other shows) and using it as a format to advertise their ventures (which the problem is Opie doesn't have any but awful t-shirts and I don't think he's plugged them.) The tradeoff is they are paying the cost of making a podcast.

The tradeoff is they are paying the cost of making a podcast.

Which are what exactly? The $200 for a few microphones and $2 worth of electricity used during the recording?

They're paying for the editor, supposed promotion, bandwidth, etc. And he gets a little status. Opie being on a major podcast network makes it look far more professional than the results actually sound. And remember he's 54, so he still thinks you need a company behind you to be legitimate. He's used to Infinity and XM/SXM doing his work for him, too. A stand up like Rogan or Burr is used to relying more on themselves and a small team. Plus when this inevitably fails he can blame Westwood One.

We really should just kill all the old people.

He is plugging them on his pod.

Admittedly I only listened to the first show.

I listened to three. The fourth, from this week, I got so angry listening to them at that lame bar that I unsubbed and deleted and then one-starred him on iTunes.

You know it’s bad when you have to have your boss on your show to talk about pot. How edgy, MAAAAN!

I suppose for Opie, the good news is management must love the direction of the show...

He took after Bennington, Opie is trying to hustle.

Bong hits? Wow, how high are you?

Why does he release the episodes at midnight?

Its drive time in Istanbul.

The Anthony demographic

Because most people have notifications silenced at night on their phones. It really is a brilliant strategy.


TBF, he isn't wrong. He has made millions from these strategies and was one of the best-known names in radio. Maybe everyone else just sucks more at it.

After years of using the "ride the more talenteds coattails" strategy he has turned to hitching his wagon to a noisy negro, a line cook, and a meat selling redneck.

Before Anthony came along the show didn't have any particular notoriety or fame. It took Ant roughly 4 years to dig them out of the ditch. Most viral clips outside of celebrity thing were Ant's and Jim's polarizing political talk.

He was on the overnight shift of a Long Island radio station when he lucked into Anthony. Without Anthony, Jim and the rotating cast of comedians he'd either be long gone from radio at this point or pulling overnights in Boise, Idaho by now. He was trying so hard to surpass Howard Stern that he kept pulling 'edgy' stunts that got them fired and kicked off the air. Luckily he had Anthony and Jim and their fans who were willing to ride it out time and time again. If it had just been the Opie Show who announced the mayor or Boston was dead, no one would have cared and he'd have never made it back to drive time radio again. He's a hack, stereotypical DJ and the current crew he keeps pushing and his lackluster podcast prove that beyond all shadow of a doubt.

If it had been O&A that got fired for filming Roland shitting then they'd have found work within weeks. But because it was Zero talent Opie and his 3 morons, he sat on the shelf for nearly a year and the gig he ends up with is a non paying one. That shows how little he matters and how 'known' he is in radio.

I tapped out after about 4 mins. CANT. STAND. SHERROD.

Because he’s white, right?

I wonder if he has any famous relatives. You'd think that would come up once in a while, if he did.

No, he’s actually a skinny-fat nigger that resembles a Milk Dud.

It’s impossible to tell, he’s above mentioning his race.

You missed the "Yeeeaaaahhhhhhh!!" when Sherrod walks in. Can you please edit this?

You mean the one that blew out the eardrums?

Has there already been 4 of these fucking things?

I thought we were still waiting for ep 2 lol


Do you think the 30 people who post here downloading it will help the show in any way?

It's generally painful to listen to Opie struggle to tell stories wether they are true or not (most are not). I turned off the second part of the first podcast when, for the second time, he pointed out how good he is at remembering what they were waffling on about before he forced the conversation off on a pointless tangent. He's totally devoid of any talent or likeability.

You can tell the real ones because they're boring like the one about the big dog on the elevator with him, and he doesn't stumble trying to tell them.

How the fuck are you listening to this ear rape? You have the mental fortitude of a Navy Seal. Thank you for your service.

No matter how preposterous things I read in these reports, I will never in my life waste a second listening to verify claims about the podcast to be true. I won't sacrifice a synapse in my brain to hear Opie. Ear rape is precisely what this is.

Haha, the other day a guy predicted Sherrod as the next guess and I predicyed Vic underneath his comment. Fucking predictable boob

There's no one else

Well there was that picture of Tits, Ellen, Tounge and Tim all sitting around w/ beers and microphones that came out a few days ago so I can’t say this is much of a surprise.

You’re doing the lords work. I’d buy you some reddit gold, but spending real money on virtual goods is for fags.

Not listening to Opie's podcast, thereby denying him ad revenue, is payment enough.

Guys, I'm starting to think Gregg Hughes might not be very honest.

I'm starting to think his podcast isn't going to be as big as Joe Rogan or Adam Carollas is.

You guys are gonna look dumb as shit when they start parading around the A-listers...

Thank you. You saved me 2 hours of misery

Doesn't Howard ever wish he had the liberty of just meeting his friends at a diner, setting up his equipment and recording his conversations with them?

Stern, of course, can always enjoy the shit heaps of adopted street cats by his pool at the Hamptons mansion. Opie doesn't have that.

Stern is rotting away in that studio. He's gotta be envious of The Destroyer.

This is so bad.

I can’t lie....I genuinely like Carl and he’s trying too hard, but the last couple weren’t all bad.

But Sherrod....just awful.

I genuinely like Carl

I genuinely think you're a faggot.

Sherrod STINKS!

This is more brutal than when I sit through an hour of gay porn with a throbbing erection just to prove im not gay.

Another great show. Best one yet. Opie is really firing on all cylinders.

I hope the timing chain breaks


"Building it up in front of everyone!". Brotherman, brotherman.

U sir, are a glutton for punishment. I pity your ear drum

If Opie had a speck of self-awareness, he would use this opportunity to drop the bullshit bravado about what a seasoned broadcaster he is and just open up for once in his life. He could talk about what he’s learned (ha) from the time he found himself inexplicably connected to a popular radio show.

He'd only say "once you get big every one is out to screw ya! They don't appreciate nothin' you did for them!"

"I fawkin found myself after doing heroin with a shaman brotherman"

I can't get through 10 minutes..do they swear? they promised uncensored..

He keeps saying that he's trying to keep it family friendly language so he can get a bigger audience - yet he and Carl go on to tell stories of their very real sexual escapades.


I'm guessing Opie thinks that by censoring his podcast, he can prove to the "suits" in terrestrial radio that he still can work the normal airwaves. We are listening to Opie apply for terrestrial radio iobs.

It only took 4 episodes for Gregg to "interview" his boss. Those A-listers are just BEGGING to come on.

How Sherrod has skated this long through life pretending to be a comedian is astonishing.

Being unapologetically black can get you a lot in life.

It's called "his cousin is Chris Rock."

I can happily say that I sat thought he first one, and never listened to another one. Nor will I.

Wow there's already been four episodes? Puttin up numbahs

This bullshit is already up to episode 4? I didn't know he released episode 2 yet.

Dont forget the rambling intro by Brother Weaze where he says that opie gets better guests than him

How many episodes until he uses his Barry Williams being creepy story? He's already run out of content.

Opie's "feud" with the Rock - The Rock found out a friend of the show said some racist things on a message board. During the interview he pieced together that O&A were the show associated with the guy. He then walks out of the show on the spot. They clear it up later by disassociating themselves with the guy and the Rock comes back on.

Fucking Scorch had a more direct relationship.

Already gone from the podcast charts:



Not even on the Top 100 for all podcasts.

He was #39 for the first episode - not even in the top 200 now.

Was #75 on Friday and then dropped off completely:


The hosts and fans of My Favorite Murder should be receive the title treatment of this terrible show. So many good true crime podcasts out there, yet this one hosted by a pair of unfunny, unlistenable clams inspires the biggest following. Surprised Opie isn't in the Top 5 given the warped logic and twisted values of the rankings. The only GaS show in the Top 40 is SDR, featuring mongoloid super-douche Ralph "how has he not been a sub punching bag for years now?" Sutton.

The hosts and fans of My Favorite Murder should receive the title treatment of this terrible show. So many good true crime podcasts out there that are either dignified and chilling, or find a good balance between levity and seriousness like the Last Podcast on the Left guys, yet this one hosted by a pair of unfunny, unlistenable clams inspires the biggest following. Surprised Opie isn't in the Top 5 given the warped logic and twisted values of the rankings. The only GaS show in the Top 40 is SDR, featuring mongoloid super-douche Ralph "how has he not been a sub punching bag for years now?" Sutton. Also, raise your hand if you've ever laughed once at anything Rogan has said on his podcast.

Rogan's show is MMA talk and pot babble.

I still listen frequently since he usually has good guests. He's good at sustaining conversations at length, and shows genuine curiosity about expanding his worldview. It's beneficial when he gets an expert from a specific field to harness his attention, and prevent him from drifting in and out of his usual handful of topics. Though a comedian by trade, there's never a point where I've thought to myself, "that's a funny MF." Seemingly good-natured dude. Funny? Rarely, if ever.

"Vic tells funny stories"

I no longer trust you.

Put me down in the, "Wow, episode 4 already? I didn't even know Westwood One had put out a second episode" camp.

Wow, he's already got the whole group assembled? That was quick.

Fighting for his life.

Over hyping your dogshit show and recording from a bar sounds like Scorch.

I wonder where he got that idea

EXACTLY what I was imagining when this podacast started; Scorchworthy. O&A (meaning Ant & Jim) would have shit on “The Opie Podcast” mercilessly.

I can't believe there are already 4 of these things.

Are there any legit fans or are the numbers just us and Su Ming Lin?

Hardcore fans of his pop-ups surely feel cheated that the podcast only captures the audio essence without offering the rich visual component.

Opie needs to rip off the Compound business model and go all in on "Opie, Carl, Sherrod, & Vic" as the flagship show of Opie Media. If he sold the beach house he'd have more than enough money to get the operation off the ground. Lynsi dropping the divorce bombshell would definitely be an impediment, but half of his assets would be easily replaceable once those subscription dollars start pouring in.

Wait, so what was the Opie Obvious Lie on this episode? There's gotta be one.

op ain't even in the top 200 podcasts.

Did he finally allow the suits to livestream the show in Times Square, or is he still doin things his way brothaman?

Thanks for doing this. Please don’t pussy out like the guy that was doing the Hindsight Reports.

It was unlistenable. They constantly talk over each other because they think whatever they have to say is so much more important than the other guys and it's just a jumbled mess. I couldn't get through more than a few minutes after Sherrod showed up

Sherrod was late?

"Recording podcasts in a bar is a bad idea." Funniest part of this whole thing.

OpieBot: “yeah...yeah...yeah...yeah...no...yeah...[laughs too loud]...yeah...[repeats what another has said verbatim]...no...yeah...”

BONUS: continually misuses the term “explain” when he means “describe”.

youre a good egg mate. want to be fwends?

After years of using the "ride the more talenteds coattails" strategy he has turned to hitching his wagon to a noisy negro, a line cook, and a meat selling redneck.

Before Anthony came along the show didn't have any particular notoriety or fame. It took Ant roughly 4 years to dig them out of the ditch. Most viral clips outside of celebrity thing were Ant's and Jim's polarizing political talk.

He was on the overnight shift of a Long Island radio station when he lucked into Anthony. Without Anthony, Jim and the rotating cast of comedians he'd either be long gone from radio at this point or pulling overnights in Boise, Idaho by now. He was trying so hard to surpass Howard Stern that he kept pulling 'edgy' stunts that got them fired and kicked off the air. Luckily he had Anthony and Jim and their fans who were willing to ride it out time and time again. If it had just been the Opie Show who announced the mayor or Boston was dead, no one would have cared and he'd have never made it back to drive time radio again. He's a hack, stereotypical DJ and the current crew he keeps pushing and his lackluster podcast prove that beyond all shadow of a doubt.

If it had been O&A that got fired for filming Roland shitting then they'd have found work within weeks. But because it was Zero talent Opie and his 3 morons, he sat on the shelf for nearly a year and the gig he ends up with is a non paying one. That shows how little he matters and how 'known' he is in radio.

Rogan's show is MMA talk and pot babble.

Sherrod was late?

They're paying for the editor, supposed promotion, bandwidth, etc. And he gets a little status. Opie being on a major podcast network makes it look far more professional than the results actually sound. And remember he's 54, so he still thinks you need a company behind you to be legitimate. He's used to Infinity and XM/SXM doing his work for him, too. A stand up like Rogan or Burr is used to relying more on themselves and a small team. Plus when this inevitably fails he can blame Westwood One.