Danny seems ok to me.

10  2018-05-16 by TheBlueYawning


Not so sure about that, but you’re entitled to your opinion obviously.

I don’t think you have enough data/evidence to make that conclusion.

agreed. once i found out he owns prints of street art that none of us could ever afford i had to concede and admit he’s obviously a great, successful and happy person.

the hours of show audio and daily posts on here might mislead you into thinking he’s a combative, bitter, self-righteous cunt who lacks the ability to communicate with other people in a normal human way, but like, none of that counts and he’d tell you that himself. but anyway my civilian hands are getting tired and i can’t possibly write anymore about it.

If you like talentless faggots.

Danny is a good dude I think. Takes balls to come in here and face this place on a daily basis. I believe the stuff he says. I’d drink with him.

Yeah I enjoy a good Danny bashing as much as the next curmudgeon but he has my respect for taking the abuse in stride and not being too scared to acknowledge us like all the others.

It takes tenacious stupidity to come back multiple times a day and get your ass handed to you every single time by a bunch of autists, the ghost of a beloved pop culture icon and a schizophrenic black lady.

We've turned on him because his promises of dirt on tranpa turned out to be entirely self-serving.

I don't really mind him though. He was funny on the show and he caused some great staff fights.

Nah he’s okay i watched the thing with him he’s 👌.

Yeah I enjoy a good Danny bashing as much as the next curmudgeon but he has my respect for taking the abuse in stride and not being too scared to acknowledge us like all the others.

It takes tenacious stupidity to come back multiple times a day and get your ass handed to you every single time by a bunch of autists, the ghost of a beloved pop culture icon and a schizophrenic black lady.