What are your favorite bits?

2  2018-05-16 by MrBeanFlicker

Phil Hendrie only

In my opinion nothing beats Bobbie Dooley worrying about her son getting into dusting while Steve is listening to Pink Floyd in the background, but Plane Go Boom and All You Can Eat Negro are undeniable.


Ted Bell throwing his wife’s steaks across their lawn because she was going to cook them on a charcoal grill. He thought it was an insult to the coal miners that got trapped underground. I could go all day with these. That just came to mind first.

As great as this is, it doesn't beat him putting out tubs of ice water in front of Ted's for the elderly to sit in during the Enron energy crisis. Obviously they weren't allowed to be inside in his air conditioning and they had to purchase a 'Ted' and a baked potato first.

Ted was like that. When he asked his wife for a divorce he wouldn’t even remove his Oakley sunglasses.

They were $200, and he looked good in them.

Or Steve Bosell doing his “Magic Steve” routine at a children’s birthday party. One of the children insulted his magic so he popped their bounce house with a knife. He also kept saying how he wanted to “wade into” the group of children swinging his fists.

Both classics, for some reason this reminded me of Chris Norton enacting his dance routine that included splits over a watermelon and reading a Harlequin Romance book with his ass cheeks.

I remember his splits over an open watermelon. Chris also had a really sessy picture of him and Tony Danza outside of the Russy Pelican.

Hal and Viola Levolier would always call while flying a plane to Laughlin Nevada. Hal would snort tequila, shit himself and call his wife a whore while the plane stalled out.

Jeff Dowder would sometimes be a professor of 'mechanical physics', which was always a riot.

"This is Jeff Dowder's Hypothetical America, and today we're talkin' about what if we didn't have no concrete, like planes would be landing on trees man, that'd be messed up. Well, that was Jeff Dowder's Hypothetical America."

Harvey Wireman's Senior Chat was also stellar. 'How far have you drug a person under your car without realizing it?'

Jeff's Olympic reports from Greece in 2004 were great too. The Chinese were great at ping pong because they got 'slits for eyes, man'.

It gave them better horizontal vision.

Haha. That's why Sulu flew the Enterprise, because he could see all of outer space.

Now excuse me while I segue into how Keith Richards is Nosferatu on account of Charlie Watt's throat cancer.

Teaching the elderly how to draft behind cars on the freeway

“Tsunami Fashion Show” where they dress women in tradition Sri Lankan garb, dump a bucket of water on them and then slap them with a fish.

Thanks for reminding me of that gem. “A tsunami. I think it’s some type of a wave, right?”

Ted was like that. When he asked his wife for a divorce he wouldn’t even remove his Oakley sunglasses.

Harvey Wireman's Senior Chat was also stellar. 'How far have you drug a person under your car without realizing it?'

Jeff's Olympic reports from Greece in 2004 were great too. The Chinese were great at ping pong because they got 'slits for eyes, man'.