Is this a controversial opinion? I believe Opie really did steer the ship and make the show better.

13  2018-05-16 by LookInRI

It seems obvious. Ant is non-confrontational and tends to meander into boring subjects. Jim can't host or co-host. They suck without Opie. I wish they didn't, but it's a fact.


Sure, he’s the actual Radio guy of the three.

He’s been doing it since he was 18.

Yeah. Too bad he could only steer that one ship that one time.

yeah. I don't even care. I don't want old O&A back. I want something new, but I don't know what.

I believe Opie knew how to detour a conversation with a phone call or a "HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON." He sure knew how to steer the ship. I guess that's why everyone hated Nopie shows.

Although it doesn't change the fact that Norton is also a terrible host/co-host. This has been proven 5 times now (Vice, O+J, J+S, Jimmys advice show, MMA podcast). It's telling his most popular show is one where he plays a character the whole time.

I think they all kinda need each other to make it work.

Absolutely. If steering the ship means making a show both enjoyable and in a format sellable to advertisers, Opie did that and did it fairly well.

Together, they were certainly an above average radio show. Apart, they just seem like insufferable douches and desperate.


Sam would be a better opie

Not only that, I sorta remember a time when Tits would hang up on boring callers mid-sentence and it was funny. Or was it Tranpa's "ho lee shit" that was funny? I honestly don't know anymore.

I don't agree. It's just that ant and Jim need a straight man to do the show so they can riff. Nearly anyone could have done Opie's job at least as well, but probably better.

Opie is horrendous, but was necessary.

I think Opie was awful on air but was a great producer.

Maybe, but it’s been 15 years since he cared enough to bother.

Yeah he definitely did. He moved them along well. But he was annoying at times