"Nasal infection"

4  2018-05-15 by Phkna1


I like the "dumped by podcast" part.

Podcast , not a show , not a network , not a media company ...a podcast !!!!

Back to obscurity Cumia

Imagine a black dude trying this...just try. Would've been murdered when they had to wake him up with 81 heroin bundles on his fat lap.


Artie is so going to throw Compound Media under the bus at sentencing.

Judge: Mr. Lang, it says here that your employment with Compound Media was “terminated.” I recall that your continued employment was intend to be a mitigating factor in the sentence being handed down today.

Artie’s Jew Lawyer: Your Honor, no one would considered that shit show as “employment.” It was tantamount to “Wayne’s World.” Therefore, I make a motion to classify Mr. Lang’s time with Compound Media as a “hobby,” not “employment.”

Judge: Motion granted. Mr. Lang, would you like to address the court?

Artie: Um, yes, your honor. Can we knock off early?

Judge: The stands in recess.

this made me smile

At this point I think the best thing for Artie would be for him to do some time in prison and be forced into rehab and other self improvement programs while in there.

His nose got infected with a bunch of heroin.