Anthony Just Said Brother Joe Failed an Aids Test

58  2018-05-15 by ShitCutterFucker

Of course he's saying the test was faulty but let's read in some deep seeded hate for why he would be dumb enough to put Joe popping positive on an Aids test in the public


I'm praying this is true.

Sickle Cell and AIDS... Not looking good for arguing against being one of "those" people.

There might be a God.

If we find out brother Joe legitimately has AIDS, I don't know if it will be possible to stop cumming.

what's Whitney got to do with this?


I'll bet the bug spreader that rawdogged Joe couldn't stop cumming either.

At least he can finally afford a harley in 6 months

A 60cc childs version but a harley nonetheless

I can't upvote this enough.

Uh-oh. Do you think he raw dogs his grandma girlfriend?

What about his daughter girlfriend?

I did a school trip of a ambulance dispatch place ( exciting huh) and I failed the test for a heartbeat. Turns out the machines in new ambulances were broken.

Unfortunate for all of us.

You can't fool me, Lich king.

Did ya?

Joe Rogan says that the only people who get AIDS are queers who take it up the shitter.

Well if Rogan says it, it must be true

Them and needle sharing junkies. It's impossible to get aids from pussy, that's science!

Buttholes—look into them

From a stepladder

Well then Freddie Mercury was the exception to that rule.

I don't think it's that far-fetched to assume that Freddie Mercury may have been fucked in the butt at some point.

I think I remember hearing you're not likely to get AIDS from saliva because you'd need to consume a literal truckload of it to have a real risk of contracting HIV.

Kudos to Brother Joe for the commitment.



I thought he was in a U2 cover band not queen. He really likes capture the person

Don't know whether to make a Beautiful Day joke, a Sunday Bloody Sunday joke, or a Pride joke

Jokes already happened.... now we just laugh

Brother Joe also once claimed to have passed a lie detector test given to him by his employer despite lying throughout. He's just a dishonest queer who thinks these stories make him interesting.

"The blood-based HIV ELISA has a demonstrated sensitivity of between 99.3 percent to 99.7 percent, with a specificity of between 99.91 percent and 99.97 percent. When combined with a Western blot, this translates to approximately one false positive out of every 250,000 tests in the general U.S. population.

Yeah, it'll be one of those four-in-million false-positives.

Good on Joe for getting a HIV-test for absolutely no reason as well; a lot of people only do it after indulging in a whole lot of risky sexual behaviour.

Turns out snorting fermented african baby shit has its downside

(Andy Rooney voice) Isn't it funny that if you get a positive in an AIDS test, you've failed?

I'm reading the comments below as Andy Rooney and it adds a whole new dimension.

Jesus christ.. Artie fired, Opie has a new show, and now Joe has aids. The O&A universe just keeps giving..

It's been 4 years since this show was canceled, I don't think the gifts are going to stop any time soon.

Those videos where he’s injecting himself with steroids come to mind. Joe might be the first person to get AIDS from cosplaying

Joe managed to get HIV just ACTING like a faggot? That's impressive honestly.

I like how he threw Brother Joe to the wolves just to get some heat off himself.

Did he say he wasn't HIV positive in the People's Court? No. Case closed. He is perculating HIV in his bloodstream.

Looks like they are all-in with the lifestyle.

Theory: Joe passed the virus to ant

The Gifted and the Gift.

Unfortunate for all of us.

You can't fool me, Lich king.

Did ya?