One trick pony Jim.

11  2018-05-15 by RBuddCumia


I've found that people that shit on Picasso are usually pretty dumb. He painted this when he was 13

They're the kind of uncultured assholes who unironically ask why people paint when we have camera's.

Dated a girl that told me this. She got irritated that I'd go to the Met so much in NYC. Dumped her shortly after. Kept her around because she gave good head at a moment's notice.

Great story

I enjoyed it.

It's always about sucking dick with this bottom.

What's Family Ties?

Jim’s most current reference.

I hate how Jimmy thinks it's interesting to go against the grain on shit like this. He thinks that Gene Simmons painting his face is cool but he looks at a Picasso and says it's shit.

Picasso and The Who are fucking trash but edgy craaazzyyy traaain guy that bites off bat heads is a genius

"Who was talking about space travel before Iron Man?" - Actual Jom Nerton quote.

“Just like witches at black masses” Colin Quinn (with a considering tone)

..."twelve year old"

i read an article most modern art is a scam to launder illegal money

most galleries are scams on the level of super mall modeling agencies

picasso was pretty cool tho, he used to paint porn to keep the lights on

I can actually believe that most modern art is a scam to launder cartel money. It's far easier to believe that than to believe some dumb son of a bitch paid 500,000 for gold plated poop.

yeah the reasoning behind it became pretty glaring when you saw the crazy rise of shit art around the same time cocaine was going on

most “successful” comics i know were either drug dealers or had good connects. thats “networking”

What’s Fanily Ties




What a fucking hack he's always been...

All three of them really were awful.

Picasso is shit, but he’s a much better smelling shit then Jim Morton
