"He's already grimacing befor they even cut to him"-Colin Quinn on the worms overacting (0:25)

46  2018-05-15 by jongilbonnie


Wow this is really bad

HBO did him a huge favor canceling this shit.

As far as over the top, sitcom soundstage acting, it's not terrible.

It's HBO, Louis should just whip it out and show that kid a thing or two.

Mullen said it best that this shit just doesn't work today anymore. Yes we get it it's an homage. But everything about it just seems dated.

Pretty much. It doesn't hold up. I always saw it more as CK making fun of King of Queens/Everyone Loves Raymond

Looks like chip chipperson made an appearance.


God it’s so gay. You should be ashamed

you are

No u

No you both

The nerve to act like that show deserved another season... Wasnt that on HBO? That looks too shitty to be on telemundo, much less following Westworld

"Hey Lutzy." Lutzy? nice stammer, stupid

im really not sure what he was going for with this character. just seems like random affections and mannerisms that aren't consistent.

Jesus Christ. The writing isn't bad but the delivery and that fucking audience. No wonder this got cancelled.

The writing is fucking dire.

norton trying to channel silvio dante

I never liked this show. I never got it. Must be me, right Jimmy!

Colin picking Jim apart is always so accurate it’s ridiculous

That show was so terrible.

How would you know, civilian?