Anthony Ballwashers Part 1: Mel B

9  2018-05-15 by Yaseetheo


Nice Artie Lange hair, stupid.

M.ake A.nthony G.ay A.gain

She doesn't look like a woman.

She doesn't look like a transgender woman.

She looks like a guy in a sketch show dressed up as a woman.

Is that Dave Foley?

Hacksaw Jim Dugan.

To Str8 Ant, she's more acceptable than this.

she's the only one that got better with age. I guess black don't crack.

Sporty Spice looks like a retired linebacker these days.

I don't even give a fuck. Good enough for Eddie Murphy, good enough for me.

Well, Ant said the same thing when he got a "Miss you" text.

That guy's got weird bangs.

She wouldn't make in the Spicegirls