Conservative champion of blue collar people thinks minimum wage workers are "low IQ idiots"

19  2018-05-15 by FlashVirus


The linked tweet was tweeted by @AnthonyCumiacm on May 15, 2018 02:32:33 UTC (1 Retweets | 24 Favorites)

Absolutely. Don’t let the fine young folks you see in the commercials fool you.

Reality is, these people barely deserve $5.00 an hour never mind $15.

They’re literally “stupid”. Yes. Stupid. Uneducated, moronic, low IQ individuals.

Self checkout kiosks are SOOO welcome.

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I wonder if he is saying that because he thinks only black people work there. Sounds like hate speech to me, would be a shame if twitter saw it.

He was apparently saying it because they forgot to put his sweet and sour sauce in with his order of nuggets. No, really.

While that would be annoying, I guess the real question is - why would a self described millionaire media mogul, with a comorbidity of coronary artery disease, eat at McDonald's and tell everyone about it? Dwindling finances? End of days self-destruction? Wet brain? Speculate!

He's fucking trash.

Fair enough.

says the high school drop out

I can't argue with Ant on this. If anyone else here has had the displeasure of trying to train a young millennial for a job in recent years, I doubt you would either. 90% of them are completely worthless.

Way to base your view of the world on limited anecdotal evidence, stupid

Maybe i should base my views of the world off of what random faggots on Reddit say instead...

Nice false dichotomy, stupid

Says the faggot on Reddit, stupid.

Nice properly structured sentence, stupid.

I know, stupid.

i love you

I love you both

now kiss, faggots.

A "man" who couldn't graduate from high school calling others uneducated?

This has to be the dementia talking.

Literally anyone can graduate highschool unless you are a fucking retard

wet brain and xanax really fucks you up

As someone who's only dabbled with booze and xanax together, what is it that makes it so appealing to Nana? Doesn't seem like it would be as fun as amphetamine.

It’s appealing to him because he has nothing going on in his life. No hobbies, no real friends, no immediate family to spend time with, a two hour a day job.

Every single day for him is the the night before Christmas for children. They just want to pass out ASAP so the next day arrives quicker.

if a fat breasted dunce hadnt given him a life line, this high school dropout would have become a meth chef. without a fuckin doubt this piece of shit has criminal genetics.

Walter Not White

Hes more badger and his friend

Skinny Pete

That's what he calls Sue's peckah.

His deluded narrative is a bootstraps story of hard earned success reached by overcoming adversity. Then in the next breath he starts reminiscing about sleeping on the job in his tin knocking days, Joe sending in the OJ tape to Opie, Opie shopping their early shows to other markets, Opie leading negotiations with station management.

Anthony is, by his own admission, a lazy as hell, completely unambitious slob who fell into relative success with an almost Forrest Gump level of blind luck. The only differences between them is that Forrest was a white guy, was far more charming and was heterosexual.

Also everything awful that happened to Forrest wasn't 100 percent his fault and Forrest actually worked hard his entire life.

Both valid points. Ant is lazy and self destructive! Not a good guy!

Forrest Gump was a star athlete, not a gym class flunkout. He also saved people's lives in war, unlike Ant's thieving potato peeler of a brother. Oh, and his t shirts were popular. He had a successful business partnership and friendship. He was sober. Forrest could own firearms. He had children. So on and so forth.

Artie is karmic revenge on Anthony for all those times he didn't show up, showed up drunk, quit on the spot, or left his tin knocking job early.

Anthony Cumia, high school dropout, girl-hitter and all-knowing social pundit. He used to openly brag about what a lazy shiftless shitty employee he was before Opie dragged him out of obscurity, but now he's a font of wisdom and towering paragon of American virtue.

Seriously though, who the fuck can't finish high school?

I'd say most people who work fast food have at least passed gym class.

Send that to all the local takeout food joints he uses. Special sauce for Anthony.

Nice false dichotomy, stupid

Walter Not White

His deluded narrative is a bootstraps story of hard earned success reached by overcoming adversity. Then in the next breath he starts reminiscing about sleeping on the job in his tin knocking days, Joe sending in the OJ tape to Opie, Opie shopping their early shows to other markets, Opie leading negotiations with station management.

Anthony is, by his own admission, a lazy as hell, completely unambitious slob who fell into relative success with an almost Forrest Gump level of blind luck. The only differences between them is that Forrest was a white guy, was far more charming and was heterosexual.

He was apparently saying it because they forgot to put his sweet and sour sauce in with his order of nuggets. No, really.

While that would be annoying, I guess the real question is - why would a self described millionaire media mogul, with a comorbidity of coronary artery disease, eat at McDonald's and tell everyone about it? Dwindling finances? End of days self-destruction? Wet brain? Speculate!

Seriously though, who the fuck can't finish high school?