Cops with more integrity than KTC (1/1900)

45  2018-05-14 by RBuddCumia


Hey all nonsense aside how great was Gary in that, fuckin crooked ass weirdo pill poppin cop sukka.

His reaction to popping the pills was slightly over the top if you ask me.

He was chewing on amphetamines, so yeah it was kind of accurate.

Actually the director has said in interviews that the drug was fictional and allowed Gary to create whomever he wanted when taking them. It's like the gas from Blue Velvet. Lynch had no idea what it was until Dennis Hopper told him he "knew" what was in the tank and so Lynch just let him do whatever he wanted and thanked him for that.

Shut up nerd.


Amazing. What a great movie. Wonder if Ant likens himself to Leon when he invites 13 year olds round for "milk"

She presented herself as someone who needed help awwright

He said, go back inside.

"I have no experience producing."

"What do you mean, 'no experience?'"


"I don't have tiiiiime...for this Mickey Mouse bullshit."


THis guy went on to play Winston Churchill.

Gooood FAWKIN actor, man. Holy Shit. Alright we got Mongo the Trucker calling in. MONGO!

Gary Ol...Ol...Olderman takes me out of the movie every fawkin time. He’s always playin’ himself. sniff

Opie's go-to critique of every actor. Really thought it made him sound insightful.