Big Surprise.....Artie Out At Compound Media

323  2018-05-14 by tunisianknifer


Let’s hope he does soon.

Enjoy your creation.

Paid a visit to @artiequitter. He didn't answer the door so we're taking him off of the show. @LandauDave was hanging around the studio with nothing better to do so we gave him the spot temporarily. We can't believe Artie blindsided us like this. He's a drug fiend with an enlarged heart.

Dude, you were there? Why didn't you give us a live stream?

HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!!

ironic that "hard_to_explain" clarified that nicely and fairly easily

I guess username DOESN'T check out, eh, fellas?

HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!!


Gold for you kind faggot sir

Mind if I repost this on my faceberg?


You can watch this train wreck live for only $9 a month!

Oh, no - the price will be going back down now that Artie's gone.

That’s an insult to trains everywhere sir. This little Artie stint will go down as one of the most embarrassing failures ever in O&A history.

Anthony went “all-in” with Artie whose the equivalent of 7-2 offsuit.

Anthony deserves every bit of criticism

Ant with no chance of a "straight"....get it? Eh?!

Should have had more confidence in that. Didn't need the "get it? Eh?!" It was decent.

comedy professor ova heah

Lol dave landau is worthless.

His wife is fatter than Artie too

Shouldn't put cocaine on cheeseburgers.

Landau’s wife puts cheeseburgers on cocaine

Dave who?

Some guy with a mohawk and a fat wife.

HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!!

Some guy stuck in the year 2002

Maybe as a commodity, but to be fair, he makes the Anthony show much better than solo political Anthony.

Anything is better than solo Anthony.

Landau is a smug unfunny turd ! Subs droppin like rain. "A ha ha ha oh shit" ! BTW, Cumia needs to stop saying that ! Actually with Landau there he wont be laughing so......

Does that mean the sub price will go back down? Lol

No way. Not after adding premium acts like Bill Schulz.

LogoTV is less fruity.

Dave Landau is solid. I'm okay with this.

Big news on /r/Dave Landau.

Bitterness on /r/KevinBrennan

Here's a sneak peek of /r/dave using the top posts of the year!

#1: Damn Wendy's thanks for rubbing it in | 10 comments
#2: dave almighty | 1 comment
#3: Daves, this bread is damn good... and it's made by one of us! | 12 comments

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He may be gone, but look at all the exposure Artie created for the show!




What about those billboards?!?!?!?

Dont worry it was just pennies on the dollar.

You should see the deal KtC got on the Yellow Pages ad

Wa happen?

Won't see him no more

Saw that shit coming.

What a disaster. That paycheck went straight to heroin.

Turns out addicts are fucking terrible people.

And $50k to Scott Salem's wife!

I can’t believe this thing that every single person predicted would happen has happened

No, we all thought he would die


yeah! happen happen!

Get the papers get the papers

Surely prices will return to what they were before as well

You know you're a fuck up when you get fired from Anthony Cumia's basement podcast.

You are a fuck up when you get hired for his podcast.

There are no words for people who get fired from it.

Truthful translation:

"Lifelong heroin addict Artie Lange has bailed on turning up at Anthony's basement when he's not nodding off and has embarassed both me and Anthony for the last time. He's swindled us out of a lot of Anthony's dwindling money, leaving us with less subscribers and forcing us to raise the subscription fee once more. Anyone with sense would have seen this coming."

Not really. Ant and Keith wouldn't let him go.
Artie either quit or is completely physically trashed. Likely both.

So you think there's a chance @artiequitter... quit?

ESSEX COUNTY PROSECUTOR has received word from black groups that they jail blacks daily for 81 BAGS OF SCAG and with Arties record, if they go easy on this white devil Friday there will be shit to pay. ESSEX COUNTY should not play with this guy w/two domestics, two assault on LEO's, numerous traffic and possession arrests, blowing off court, etc. His sentence, to be fair to open examples should be 18 months incarceration. This is why Artie keeps running to the hospital and all the other BS stories his pals at RADAR have printed because, flat out, ARTIE LANGE IS A PUSSY who tells ni66er jokes at will, STILL USES and is SCARED TO DEATH ! He might HOT-SHOT himself to get out of it. He already has tried TWICE !

Ni66ers,what are they 8 balls or somethin

in fairness, blacks with 81 bags of heroin are not using for personal purposes. they have intent to distribute.

I'm having a hard time believing Artie is going to be in any sort of condition to film crashing.

This isn’t real showbiz.

Hire a noted heroin addict with a few built-in fans. Raise prices. Fire the heroin addict after his heroin addiction affects his performance and attendance. Replace him with a nobody. Do not lower prices back to their original level.

Compound Media is a scam.

You saying Dave Landau isn't worth a price hike!?

The man has a fat bitch wife to feed! Give him a break

No, but his fat wife could use a nice hike

Troy Quan, comment?


False flag

Pretty sure the titanic had a better chance than compound media at this point

Has anyone got a Ouija board? Because I'd like to hear what Artie has to say.


"Dave landau is a great second mic!" = "he damn near works for free cause we can't afford any real talent"

HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!!

Fuck man, I just invested in Artiecoin

Buy the dip and hodl

kill yourself

Bright side I just invested in heroin.

Me too

Real showbiz. (I would rather die than continue to appear on Compound Media.)

We got any more of them dying cohosts back there? Fez?

I’m sure Rick Shapiro is available.

Imus' return broadcast on Compound Media!

That's something that might actually be interesting to watch

He's good so Ant won't hire him

"Let me check..."

"Fresh out"

There goes the bulk of 🐜’s subs

Indeed 12 out of 18 subscribers are not going to renew. Poor Ant.

HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!!

Keith The Pension Fraudster

Give it 2 weeks tops until Anthony starts passively aggressively bashing him. It's not that he would show up late, or not at all that Anthony will only be able to hold in for so long. It's that he made it absolutely clear that he didn't respect Anthony whatsoever or consider him to be on his level. Once Anthony realizes that as the days go by it's only a matter of time until he starts taking shots at Artie whether its on the show or during a 4am bud-lite fueled twitter session.

He'd show up an hour late for a show and then tell stories the same day about how he had to try to scramble to the Stern show on time years earlier from a crack den for fear of getting fired while Anthony sat there like a little faggot.

Almost every obligation in Artie's life he was able to show up to for the most part (minus a few stand up gigs) no matter how fucked up he was, except the AA show. There's no way Anthony will be able to not let that eat at him and lash out.

Anthony would never have the balls to bash Artie.

He bashed Opie. He has bashed Danny. He has trashed almost every girlfriend he has ever had either on-air or physically. It's definitely in his MO to start attacking Artie after he has made sure he doesn't need to ever see him face to face again. I expect to see the first drunken passive-aggressive tweet about Artie within a week.

He also bashed Ron on Twitter recently too. Saying he's "a little sensitive". This coming from a man who almost started crying when Ron and that Flaherty faggot had their lil spat in front of him.

It would be a shame if some of the old Stern fans read some of Ant child grooming threads.

If he bashes Artie, Artie will respond back.

and it will be worse than this.

Artie is going to be fucked up the rest of his life and irrelevant and dead soon, so who cares?

Because it'll be funnier than anything Ant has done within the past five years.

Depends on if he gets internet access from whatever lock up he ends up in.

Yuck Robin is the WORST.

Pretty much everything in Artie s career has been:"we don't care how fucked up you are, just show and say some shit "up so it's pretty much in his dna at this point to drag himself where he needs to be wether it's radio,stand up or hosting gig.

Only, he didn't. He was late or just no showed.

I think Artie is at end-stage addiction. He could get rehired by Howard and do the same fucking thing he did to Anthony. It's just a matter of time until he's dead.

The amount of love and the outpouring of support for Artie can only be adding to Anthony's resentment of him.

Please...let them go at it.


Landau’s mailing. He knew.

you should see whats going on in the cumia basement

Can we have a sub party when Compound goes under?

Haven't we been doing that since Ant's arrest?

He's still gonna be a fucking wreck. Him not doing four hours of radio a week isn't gonna make a difference.

If Anthony had any respect for himself and his own show he would've never taken this shit for so long.

The celebration tour OnA went on for the anniversary of 20 broadcasting years together I believe AA should also launch in commemoration of their eight months of magic. If you want to get technical on the amount of months Artie was actually present for, use the hashtag AA4.

So how many shows out of the whole time was he in studio or even just in studio on time? 10?

If your criteria is starting on time and actually staying for the entire 2 hour show I’d honestly bet the number is zero. Even on days he showed up on time he’d usually disappear for a nice 10+ minute “bathroom break” at the midway point and then he almost always left 5+ minutes early, Ant would start wrapping up and doing plugs and reads and all the sudden Artie’s chair would just be empty.

Ant would start wrapping up and doing plugs and reads and all the sudden Artie’s chair would just be empty.

Haha. It is pretty hilarious how Artie just made zero effort to hide his utter lack of respect for Ant.

HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!!

I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So, enjoy!


How could this happen to a multi-million dollar media empire!?

Who the fuck runs his twitter account? It's just non-stop spam.


LMAO that bitch got cheated on.

He runs for the man, too.

Eight months of magic. Artie was technically present for roughly four. Two of the months he was actually engaged on a mental level. When Artie gets out of jail, perhaps he and Anthony can go on a celebration tour similar to the one OnA did to commemorate their 20-year anniversary. It would be valuable insight to go "behind the music" of AA to know exactly when their chemistry hit its stride. So many big laughs and memorable moments to wax nostalgic over.

Don’t turn this sub into a house of lies sir.

Maybe Brother Joe can bring Ant and Artie together with 2 black guys to play dress up and do a Jackson 5 Victory Tour.

Artie could even play Michael because he'd be the only light-skinned one in the group

Best of artie and anthony: bits like dude blacks lmao and jar jar links

Only 79.99

He’s a true friend with an enlarged heart.

Compound Media, the lolcows of podcasting.

wait, artie finally got himself fired? for real this time?

woah, that was out of left field.

So Artie is definitely going to be sentenced to jail in a few days then, they just didn’t want to have him on the payroll at that point.


Shame on Keith for taunting Artie regarding his enlarged heart at a time like this.

Ah man, where can I hear Artie repeat "A JEW BROAD FIGHTING VAMPIRES" and 🐜 fake laugh at it now!? Fuck!

HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!!

Get it right it is Dracula's. He only said it every fucking day. But I'm sure you are going say you didn't pay for that shit show. And didn't listen

Ha! No of votes in 8 hours. Back to obscurity with you!

He seriously trotted that line back out? I remember when he said that on the Nick and Artie show and it was mediocre then.

Didn't even make a year. Remember everybody hanging out in one of those live rooms waiting for Anthony to make the announcement just for Artie to not show up on time? For the announcement.

If Artie is going to die anytime soon I hope it's the second the contract is over just so Ant and Keith get nothing from insurance.

A swollen, bloated heart. - Artie stole my gun..... A ha ha ha ha HOLY SHIT !

Subscribe to COMPOUND FRACTURE ....I mean Media....Compound Media with MAJOR TALENT dave landau .....I mean he WILL BE a major talent but at least he DOESN'T HAVE A HEROIN PROBLEM ... so the other day......wha....what...he DOES HAVE A HEROIN PROBLEM....Where's my GOD DAMN GUN ? Artie !!

Compound Media needs to just die already, holy shit.


Ant needs to delete his Twitter account, "calm down with the nigger shit" as Keith so eloquently put it, and beg sxm for a third mic spot on J&S. There's no way this whole thing doesn't completely tank by the end of the year. That or politely ask Opie for a couple $750 guest spots on his podcast.

I think it was Jim who confirmed that Ant is banned again from SiriusXM. His being allowed in the couple times he was there was apparently an oversight.

Nigga da-aaaed.

Anyone who scams anthony for money while rubbing it in his face is alright by me. Gonna miss you, Artie.

To the 14 CM subscribers: It's okay. We all make mistakes. No one is perfect. But can you all finally realize that the only thing you're supporting with your subscription dollars is BroJoe's welfare status, Keef the Cop's inflated ego, and Ant's terrorization of Long Island preteens?

Just call it a day. Enough already.

This is fucking beautiful.

Well, boys, may as well back a winner. #TeamOpie

linger longer

...and just as he was getting good!

It's almost past a joke. I feel bad that he doesn't have it in him to help himself.

On the other side...what the fuck did Ant and Keith the Dunce think would happen? The amount of enabling these two assholes did, one a former (shitty, racist), cop. You know these guys weren't looking at is as an effort to help him.

Desperate moves from desperate people. Fuck em all.

Cue 3 am lonely karaoke interspersed with catty jabs on Twitter.

Was this because Artie is going to prison or was it because they were completely fed up with his bullshit?


I feel like Keith has said this at least a dozen times.

Ha ha ha holy shit!

Keith really got a big return on investment on that contract.

I hope deep discount dvd doesn’t pull out of the show with this news

Just a few days after someone pointed out to Artie that Fred from Brooklyn was tweeting about him. Quanspiracy!

Imagine my shock...

The whole Artie thing was another brilliant move from Keith and Ant, these media moguls know their trade.

Wow, and I was just getting used to hearing 10 nonstop minutes per show of stuttering John jokes.

He's better off just fishing for talent on BlogTalkRadio at this point.

For real though, how did they manage to get Landau? I know it's a multi-million dollar media empire but a high-profile celebrity like Dave doesn't come cheap.

Artie robbed Compound Media blind

I'm betting that Artie is such a fuck up that he thought his sentencing date was LAST Friday and he checked himself into the hospital to avoid it.

Well that went well

Won’t see him no more....

$100 says "The Artie & Anthony Show" is mentioned in a grand total of zero published obituaries when Artie finally passes

Really going out on a limb Huh?

After Artie's last arrest, AA or Compound Media got zero mention. It was all about "what's Judd going to do with him on Crashing?"

HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!! HAHAHA!!! Holeeee-shit!!!

I hear Gregg Hughes is most likely available... At Mike Francesca prices. Ego's aside just fucking do it.

I for one will miss Artie. He has his faults, but who doesn't. I think he added a lot to the show and is hysterical. I hope he makes it back.

Gee - Sentencing is 4 days away and Arthur is going to START taking care of himself. Probably the funniest thing Ive heard. Artie is in a n UN-NAMED IMAGINSRY hospital with an UN-NAMED IMAGINARY DOCTOR. How long has his nose looked like FLIPPER but NOW, 4 days till ESSEX COUNTY JAIL he enters the hospital b/c it needs fixing. Lets see, missed OHIO show, sugar, sentence DELAYED for Sugar on & on & on. STOP BEING A 300 LB BITCH & STAND B4 THE JUDGE, PUSSY !!

Artie Lange = MENTAL MIDGET and PUNK from Union

Why all the venom towards Artie? Hate him that much? According to this article, he's in the hospital at least partly due to his diabetes, but yeah, it is blatantly obvious that he is battling heroine addiction. Maybe Artie thinks that he'll somehow have a reduced sentence if it looks like he's trying to get help? Who knows. I wish him well, battling demons like that isn't easy.

It's the Anthony and Intern Show!


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Anthony is Ed Wood and Artie is Bela Lugosi

Now the question is who bashes who first: Ant or Artie?

Take down the fake mugshot, and leave the real one up.

Huge heart is due to heart disease

I wonder if they are going to pay off his contract can't fire him him since addiction is covered by the ADA Act. It would be hilarious if Artie sued them at the end of the day.

Um. Missing half of the days you're supposed to show up for work because of addiction is definitely not covered.

Sure it is if he is seeking treatment which he was in the hospital or receiving suboxone he mentioned then he could say he was at the doctors office. It's a slippery slope if they could prove he was using through a test at the time he wouldn't be covered.

No need to slander Asians, they had nothing to do with it.

I think the entrepreneur cop figured that they would get publicity from hiring the sidekick from Howard Stern. But, no one picked up on it other than who CM contacted.

So, then they were banking on Artie to die so they could terminate the contract and get some publicity. However, Artie just won't FUCKING DIE and now they are fucked.

Artie's lovable and everyone puts up with his shit. But fuck imagine trying to work with him. Feel bad for Ant

I'd be interested in hearing Kevin Brennan shouting his take at us

If anyone remembers the pics I posted of me and Bobo, well we went to the AA show that day and I met Artie, and I also happened to go take a piss with him and the bathrooms in the studio are incredibly small, and I went in like 15 seconds after him and he was blowing his nose and sniffling looking in the mirror, and he said what's up and then, not making this up, went into the womens bathroom and when he came out he was sniffling again, then went back into the studio. You can see on the episode I was on that he leaves midway during the show to go to the bathroom. I was pretty sure when that happened that he was doing bags of dope, as I have experimented with it myself and I know how quick and easy it is to just sniff a few bags without having to pour them out and cut them into lines. I'm sure he's a fuckin pro. True story.

"sniff a few bags"? lol, you have no idea what you're talking about.


That actually sucks, I liked Artie’s stories and him an Anthony played off each other pretty well.

Artie's riffing in an opioid haze will still be better than Ant and 3rd mic doing some hack spin on a news story a liberal politician nobody gives a shit about.

Dave Landau will decrease the subscriber count more with his being horrifying lack of humor, charisma, talent and communitive skills, more than Artie no-showing and overdosing on his show.

I stand with Artie

So, Ant is now doing a show with a nobody after doing a show with a junkie?


seems like a lot do around here based on how much everyone knows what happens on the show.

"It was a totally mutual decision. Artie is looking high and working hard on his heroin habit, we wish him the very best of luck in all his future heroin and staying out of jail endeavors!"

I know everyone likes to shit on Anthony, but can we focus on how big a fuck up Artie is for a second?

Anthony literally paid him a boat load of money to show up at 4PM and leave by 6PM, four days per week. This started in September.

Not three months in to the new gig, Artie was AWOL. He was arrested for heroin possession and spent time in rehab. This caused him to miss six weeks of work.

When he returned in late January, he was late to nearly every show. Ballparking it - he missed a full show per week from January to May - or 25% of total weekly air time.

If Artie couldn't get his act together for a show that started in the late afternoon and had a boss who let him show up whenever - then Artie is officially done. I honest to goodness hope Anthony fired him.

Artie is beyond help. The only path to straighten him out is jail time at this point.

So Artie played everybody he had the over on the bet. I believe the line was set at over/under @6 months. Looks like the jokes on all of us

I believe the term is an enlarged heart stupid.

Why is compound media a thing? Anyone remember Bubba? Who listens to any of this shit, no less pay for it. Suckers.

He has an enlarged heart, not a "huge" heart.

let's knock off early

I’m sure Rick Shapiro is available.

He bashed Opie. He has bashed Danny. He has trashed almost every girlfriend he has ever had either on-air or physically. It's definitely in his MO to start attacking Artie after he has made sure he doesn't need to ever see him face to face again. I expect to see the first drunken passive-aggressive tweet about Artie within a week.

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It would be a shame if some of the old Stern fans read some of Ant child grooming threads.

"Let me check..."

"Fresh out"

Anything is better than solo Anthony.