Ant just admitted Artie is out at AA

156  2018-05-14 by The-Lunger

Allegedly for the "foreseeable future" . Great job all around.


But keep that sub price the same, amirite?

Technically, isnt it higher than when Artie joined?

They had to factor in the funeral

I thought a potter's grave was free.


yeah i'd like to pauper his nose with an icepick and see what comes out

<insert toe trigger reference here>

you're both right. potter's field; paupers' grave A HA HA HA HA HOLY SHIT !! Another $2 Million I don't have ! WHERE'S MY GUN ?

no, Artie was high when he joined

Oh Chippah, a Cumia never gives away money in increments larger than 50 cents.

Now might be a good time to use Twitter to ask Anthony pertinent questions about signing a heroin junkie and whether the subscription fee will decrease

You don't sign THE Dave Landau for cheap

Hey, he's got mouth to feed.

Dave Landau

Such a big get his name isn't even in the title.

To placate current subscribers and trigger a sudden influx of more, they just announced they're going to be resurrecting Guilty by Association as a daily show.

BoBo has a sexy cock

Yes but how's that relate?

It’s nice sexy peepee

I'm utterly amazed it lasted this long.

Artie's out of his mortal coil for the foreseeable future as well. Source: my imaginary cousin drives an ambulance and I heard some tings.


People pay for this garbage. Chumps.

And anthony uses his nonsecurely acquired credit card info to dox his fans

Remember when Anthony was fired and first started out on his own network, the amount of support he had from his years in radio? There were big Thanksgiving bashes and regular appearances from Jim, Sam, Travis, Ronnie B, Colin, Bob Kelly, Vos, etc. Now listen to his knees crunch and his back crack as he desperately attempts to pick up the pieces. Wrap it up nana.

Tough. But fair.

Nobody to blame but himself.

He blew through that good will pretty quickly. Between the ridiculous paywall, the terrible show quality, and his belligerent Twitter antics, he pissed off pretty much all of his fans.

Even Fred from Brooklyn!?

ESPECIALLY Fred from Brooklyn

Full disclosure who the fuck is Fred from Brooklyn?

He's a guy named Fred. From Brooklyn.

Alright smarty pants you knock that off before I smack you right in the mouth, with my mouth.

A fat racist Anthony dick rider

IS there any other kind?

Sue Lightning

I have it on good authority that Ant was the catcher, not the pitcher.

Some fat fuck who insinuates he has mob connections. He's hinted at it on Ron and Fez and much like Ron he makes the threat to kick peoples asses but, also much like Ron, by the time he could get out of his chair the other person would have beaten the shit out of him or he'd have had a heart attack trying to get up.

I've never heard Ron threaten to kick anyone's ass. I've heard him make self deprecating jokes about fighting people, but I don't think Ron tries to pass himself off as a tough guy.

Yes he has threatened people. Just go to youtube and listen to some shows. Usually to protect Fez and usually threats against interns or low ranking staff members who he knows can't fight back. He did it more often as Fez went crazy. And I believe there was even one show where Ron threatened an intern and Fred called in and threatened him too. None of the ones I am referring to were his self deprecating threats. They were serious and hilarious because he had gotten really fat and didn't move too fast.

Huh. Go figure.

Maybe I've been giving old Ronny too much credit.

Ronnie has given me a lot of laughs and I like him, but after listening long enough you realize a big part of his personality is a put-on. He's a junkie with an over-sized ego and lots of bravado, yet little substance, due to never putting any effort into life except if it fed his impulses.

One instance in paticular that soured me on him was when Tom Rhodes was in studio. Ronnie loves pontificating about his AA experiences, especially how all us rubes would love to be flies-on-the-wall staring mouth agape at famous NYC addicts, so when Rhodes brought up how he was having trouble with alcohol on the road I figured Ron would give him some pop-philosophy heart-to-heart and lighten the mood with some funny 'war-stories' as junkies are want to do. Nope, he wouldn't give Tom the time of day. He blew someone off whom he'd known from decades ago and basically insinuated Rhodes was a pussy. I'm sure it has nothing to do with Rhodes being attractive, travelling the world, and marrying an exotic woman whilst Ron watched TV and sat in front of a mic.

You don't think ordering your fans to go back to obscurity when they offer constructive criticism is endearing?

Ah, no I don't, no.

Nobody wants to be associated with his race rants except Colin Flaherty

You would think comedians would be lining up to do the show after he went to jail for biting a comedy club owner's daughter

Does anyone remember what the turning point was? It seems like it was one particular thing, because he used to post here regularly and get hundreds of upvotes, and then one day everyone hated him. There was no gradual decline.

Since most of us don't listen to his awful podcast, our only interaction with him is on Twitter where he is an insufferable asshole.

Also, the domestic violence arrest certainly didn't help matters.

The answer he was looking for is Sue...

It all started with that lovable scamp with a micro dick.

I’m sure Stormfront didn’t help matters.

It's been said many times before but he could have been huge if he just did something similar to Joe Rogan. Just a podcast. He's naturally talented at talking about making jokes on the fly. All he have to do was build a nice set with a real background and invite his comic friends on to bullshit.

No doubt his awful business practice and laziness killed most of it, but he's really lost his talent in the last 5 years.
His wet brain made him lose sight of being funny, particularly only satisfied with talking about politics at a surface-level understanding to equally dumb white trash who want their opinions confirmed. He's no longer capable or interested in being funny.

Last 5 years? Try the last 10.

I hear he is still hilarious.

I heard his brother’s not a pedophile

He is an alleged pedophile. He hasn't denied it. Draw your own conclusions.

It's a vicious cycle

niggas gave him a free pass all these years as being hilarious. all his best comedy came from instant feedback and not giving credit.

No. The fans are NOT funny. Except this sub.

Cumia always thought it funny to point out to his working hard fans " a ha ha ha I work 8 hrs a week a ha ha HOLY SHIT ". Well ok but your podcast is holy shit and you are burning thru money. Good luck with Dave Landau you fucking pedo

I think Rogan asked him why he hid it behind a pay wall and if he'd still have advertisers. Anthony said yes because he's greedy. Great business decision, granny.

Near Netflix prices for approximately 0% of the content plus ads. He's such an apathetic idiot.

Pretend for a second that you're Ant and you honestly believe you have some revolutionary political opinions. Wouldn't you just remove the paywall and run your already political podcast on Youtube? He could have made a few bucks, especially while the election was still going on.

I would have listened to and enjoyed an entirely joke-less podcast from Anthony that was just race and politics rants. I don't actually mind that side of Anthony. I just don't want to look at him, and I don't want a cohost, and I wanted something I could treat like a regular podcast. If he wanted to add a comedy element, hey, even better.

I was a big fan of Ant in the immediate aftermath of his firing. It's amazing that he squandered all the good will of his fans.

Joe has great guests. Not being a cry-baby, one-sided, racist prick on Twitter helps that.

If Rogan would stop having Brian Redban and Eddie Bravo on as interviewees, I'd be pleased as punch.

Now he's cohosting his show with an open mic guy from Detroit's suburbs who has a fat wife

What that fool can’t comprehend is that if he would just shut fucking Twitter off, his life wouldn’t be in such shambles. Twitter has cost this idiot MILLIONS, but he is still on there ranting constantly.

He’s an addict that can’t stop.

how much monety has herion cost Artie? more or less than twitter has cost Ant? I'd say more

Dude just had to say “nigger”

I guess it was an even exchange all in all

He got lost

Joe’s about to start his podcast. Just you wait.

Vos is too famous for Compound Media.

At this point, who doesn't want to see Artie working with The Destroyer? They could call it O&A or sumptin'.

I can’t see Opie passively doing the show as his 6 figure co-host arrives hours late and disappears frequently to snort heroin in the bathroom. Ant really is a spineless fruit

Yeah. If Artie treated Opie like this, he'd be in for the most brutal "faaaaaawkin whatever, man"s of his life.

Artie: I remember one time, these guys-

Opie: We fawkin covered this already! Let’s take a call.

Endless humiliation at the hands of The Destroyer

Opie is a lot of things, but passive is NOT one of them

millionaire, loving father, open minded husband, destroyer of hacks, funny MOFO

Dude fought a french scuba diver UNDER WATER!

The opster is like a fucking shark, if a shark could also be a millionaire radio playboy (pretty hilarious bit tho, would make a good show)

tl:dr nice try with the hate

Opies a lotta things but hes not a bitch. Fighting goes hand and hand with mental illness. He almost fought Artie in the bathroom at Sirius and walked right up on Gavin, who looked pretty shook.

1st episode: Ant's Creepy Compound

That’s the first laugh I’ve had in months

It should have been Sam Roberts or Carl the Chef, but one down and two to go.

Rehab again?

He only goes there to avoid sentencing.

Well yeah, that’s what everyone does

If you have rehab $. Most junkies have already spent their money on drugs though.

Right, so the people there in rehab are mostly there to look good for a judge or because they were ordered to.

Must be nice to have $$$

Yeah, because you can use $ to buy things.

...which he has again in like 5 or 6 days.

Are you talking about Artie or Anthony?

but the ironic AA name doesn't work without Artie, what will happen to the billboards?

Pennies on the dollar. 😉

And the groceries?

Thankfully the legendary comic veteran Dave Landau will step in to provide the hilarity in the absence of the comedy giant and ever relevant Artie Lange.

And it's only $3 more expensive than Netflix!

The guy is a train wreck of addiction and looming jail time. He took a gamble on Artie and it ended, Much like everything Artie ruins. Blame Artie not Anthony.

...your post proves exactly why it is Nana's fault.

Also that first sentence sums up Tranpa well too.

Artie screwed up every opportunity he has ever had and Anthony knew this and joked about it cause he said something like "Unlike other people I don't care what Artie does" Any idiot can see Anthony was dumb to hire him cause he wasn't going to last so yes blame Anthony too

What’s the point of continuously attacking the guy? Artie clearly caused this issue like he causes every issue.

No thanks, I would rather blame Anthony and Keith

Of course why let the truth stand in the way.

It ended exactly how everyone thought it would.

Does Anthony even try to defend himself or his dogshit company anymore? His terrible show is falling apart and he just whines about blacks and liberals on twitter

Artie had zero interest in being there in the first place. He took the money and ran.

He ran from the man.

You mean Ang, right?

This is the best thing that could happen to Artie because as much as Artie has fucked up his life & will always be known as a man who struggled with drugs he will still will be remembered fondly in show business & with the general audience but the longer he stayed with Ant the more damage his legacy would endure. People are willing to forgive addiction & self destructive behavior but most people are not willing to overlook the things that Anthony Cumia stands for & Artie would have eventually be guilty be association if he stayed with Ant a few more years Artie would be remembered not as Howard Stern one time right hand man but as a racist alt-right monster.

but in the end he will still will be remembered fondly in show business & with the general audience.

Low key day drinking is fine. Whatever this is that makes you think things like that has me worried.

Not sure what makes you worried & haven’t had a drink yet today but the day is young. Believe me if Artie Lange died next week their would be an outpouring of love from every night night talk show host, tweets from A-listers, the comedy community & from the media coverage but if Artie’s name eventually became synonymous with Anthony Cumia & everything his represents then the reaction would be very muted.

an outpouring of love from every night night talk show host

Fairly sure this wouldn't happen, BUT I definitely hope it does so we can find out for certain.

Do you only know Artie from Opie & Anthony? He’s made several appearences on Fallon, Kimmel, Seth Myers, Connan & not 20 years ago like the one time Opie & Anthony actually made on Letterman. I believe Artie was on all the shows as recently as 2017. Artie is a drug addict & a mess but he is actually famous, like for real not Anthony Cumia famous which is basically just this Sub.

This would not happen. Not even from Howard.


Maybe this is the kick in the ass Artie needs. Maybe he'll get his life together and stop doing drugs. Maybe he'll finally get healthy and get another multimillion dollar radio gig. Everyone deserves a eight hundred and ninety seven millionth chance in life.

Artie is a professional victim

Hey asshole his dad fell off a ladder.

There is an epidemic of East-Coast trash not having the proper footwear for the task at hand.

Yeah. Losing Compound Media is a real rock bottom moment.

If Artie brought in subscribers (which he probably did) there going to see a substantial drop by half, 100 to 50 now in one day

Ant will continue to charge their cards after they leave

Or doxx them if they threaten to leave.

Who wouldn't want to keep their compound cumia subscriptions

It'll be okay. To make up for the drop in revenue, the managerial genius that is Keith the Cop will just raise the subscription price again.

I hope keith can get the new billboard deposits back.

They’ve already been covered over with colt45 adverts

What, no "written warning"?

That's real showbiz.

When I watched, it seemed to me that Ant just laughed at everything Artie said and he didnt seem like the dear ole Ant i remember :/

You are correct. That's why he is better with Dave. He is better w/o artie

hmm, I shall check this out then

Just when things get boring, another disaster strikes, leaving a trail of hilarity in its wake.

It would be funny if the stress of constant, weekly travel between Michigan and New York caused Landau to relapse and he ended up making Artie look like a model of sobriety and punctuality.

Nah, Landau did some partying in his younger days and now just uses it to justify his tough guy Mohawk. I doubt there’s a relapse in his future. He’s a Norton style alcoholic.

Ant has no choice but throw money at Nick and try again with him. It's perfect timing that he just got fired from Sirius.

He already has and Nick wisely declined the offers. He also already has plans:

The mugshots are REAL!!!

Landau is another HEROIN JUNKIE from Detroit but in " recovery ". Can't Cumia find anyone not on skag ?

I'm looking forward to the - oh so light, polite applause when Arties image appears at next years Oscars in memoriam real.

Yeah right like they would acknowledge him

How long before Ant does a 'Walking on Artshells' episode?

Is Norton gonna talk him into going back to AA? tssss

I called it wouldnt last until the end of 2017. I was only off by a couple of months.

Pennies on the dollar. 😉

Artie: I remember one time, these guys-

Opie: We fawkin covered this already! Let’s take a call.

Endless humiliation at the hands of The Destroyer

Opie is a lot of things, but passive is NOT one of them

millionaire, loving father, open minded husband, destroyer of hacks, funny MOFO

Dude fought a french scuba diver UNDER WATER!

The opster is like a fucking shark, if a shark could also be a millionaire radio playboy (pretty hilarious bit tho, would make a good show)

tl:dr nice try with the hate

Not sure what makes you worried & haven’t had a drink yet today but the day is young. Believe me if Artie Lange died next week their would be an outpouring of love from every night night talk show host, tweets from A-listers, the comedy community & from the media coverage but if Artie’s name eventually became synonymous with Anthony Cumia & everything his represents then the reaction would be very muted.

And the groceries?

Sue Lightning

Opies a lotta things but hes not a bitch. Fighting goes hand and hand with mental illness. He almost fought Artie in the bathroom at Sirius and walked right up on Gavin, who looked pretty shook.