This was Jim Norton's pitch that he thought would score $200,000 and a TV series. He called in a favor from Amy Schumer at her most famous and it still barely hit 30% of his goal. It was received so poorly that he then proceeded to try and have it scrubbed from the internet.

54  2018-05-14 by Compound_MediaPR


Bobby starts a podcast, the worm starts his advice show. Bill Burr creates F is for Family, the worm makes a Chip cartoon.

did he choose the first generic flash animator he could find? not only was the cringe-worthy in a bad way, it's also horrifically ugly to look at.

and the animation is the best part

Yeah that really was pretty much terrible in every capacity. Beyond the bad animation, it seems like they spent about fifteen minutes writing it.

Featuring Amy Schumer? How’d it fail?!

I forgot how bad this was. Worse than Harry Hater if only because it's longer. How the fuck far did Norton fall?

the chip thing was ruined for me by that woman on twitter who ripped it off

Club Soda Kenny wasn't actually that bad in this

Kenny is an underrated character actor.

He wouldn't even mention it anymore lol what the fuck happened to the money he raised

He was able to match parappa the rapper graphics

Kick punch it's all in the mind or sumptin

And you idiots paid for it

Up until “No, my names not clit but I lick em” at 1:43 I thought it had a chance, but damn did that degrade quickly. So uncomfortable to watch from then on