Chips taking a page out of the Bobby book of podcasting.

9  2018-05-14 by RBuddCumia


Actually a decent episode

the bobby pamphlet of podcasting*

-the more the merrier -dont outshine the master -what’s a portion? -don’t be shmarmy

Chip isn't funny. Like I get that that's the point but seriously it's just absolute garbage. It was all right when he'd just bust out a chip line occasionally but having an entire podcast is so fucking stupid and annoying and anyone who enjoys it deserves to get bone cancer.

It would be a lot better if it was more like the comic con videos and not just comedians on going “oh chip” for an hour

It would be ok if it was once a month or so, but weekly is too much.

Good thing nobody is forcing you to watch it then, right?

Great reply Jim.

He's been taking shots at Bobby sinve Bobby hogged up all the ads for his own podcast.

They should trim the fat and just make it a Colin solo pod every week

Great reply Jim.