Opie podcast #2 synopsis?

6  2018-05-14 by quetzljitee

Anyone give the point by point rundown of Opie’s second podcast yet? Ain’t no way I’m listening to it but always love reading how bad it was. Someone do my hate listening for me. Thanks.


Since I'm a faggot I'm listening...

52 minutes in and no mention of why Carl is living in a shack. It's all been Carl's life up to his "fame" and Opie saying he understands what Carl is saying when in actuality he's missing the point entirely.

Opie mentioning his trips out west after they had been fired and how he 'put up numbers'.

And he never updated again

Some say he's still roaming Bakersfield to this day, trying to tell anyone who will listen the sordid tale of Spuds Buckley.

I’m sure the shaman story will be riveting. Opie’s know for his stellar storytelling.

We'll have to wait and see. Opie did mention how he has an eye for talent and liked that Carl 'knew his place' when he'd visit with Guy Fieri and thought he could be good on the radio someday himself.

Opie also complimented himself and being able to remember a previously mentioned story and 'steering' Carl back to that later.

When he complimented himself on "steering" the show back it was so douche-chilling that i made a real life face grimace. I feel bad now like I just listened to the equivalent of watching Ali box in his 40s... the ship has sailed...

Hoo hoo Robin he's ripping me off. I've been doing Opie Podcast synopses for years. Tell em Fred.

You should call yourself Natesfriggin or sumpthin'. Tss.

Entertainment is dead.

Thanks. I gotta know what I’m in for so if I do listen I can just scan and skip through it to enjoy the most hatable parts.


Would have posted it earlier but I didn't realize the retard couldn't even follow his own podcast release schedule.