Episode 2 of Opie's Podcast is up tonight.

34  2018-05-13 by just_lou

Bless his heart. He's so excited for everyone to hear it, he released it early.


Am I a fruit for actually wanting to listen to Carl’s life fall apart?

I have never wanted to hate listen to anything more.

To hell with the podcast, just post videos of Carl and his big titted wife fighting.

For me - listening to opie is more like sad listening. Or maybe embarrassed listening. Episode 1 was so bad, but I couldn’t turn it off. I also don’t understand why Carl is currently willing to walk on greggshells. I understand Carl/Vic/Sherrod Gshelling when opie was on the radio and they were getting paid. But I can’t see Carl getting any money for this podcast, and he can’t seriously think that the show is going to grow and he’ll be paid down the road. None of this makes any sense to me.

maybe he brought in opies lies that this is going to hit it big?

maybe he brought into opies lies that this is going to hit it big?

Karl very popular in Vietnam. Rumor that he’s single now, girls swoon here.

The day he started referring to himself as an alpha I've wanted nothing more than to see him obliterated

Maybe after a few episodes, someone can do a Nopie show with just Carls sad stories combined like a suicide monologue.

It didn't even be that hard to cut out Opie. He contributes nothing to his own podcast.

That sounds accurate.

Now don't spoil the "Big Reveal".

"Decided to release the latest episode of my Westwood One FREE podcast a little early so you can have it for tomorrow's ride. Carl's Creepy Cabin part 2: The Big Reveal. Go get it now and if you like what you're hearing it would be appreciated if you gave it a good review."

Bless him.

It just dropped. Might have to wait to get it though as traffic is probably crashing servers.

Can confirm!!

just remember to pull over your truck just so you dont cause an accident in traffic

Like a hammer.

Hammer means poop.

Or a bomb.

Woot woot!

I cant wait to do anything else than listen to that garbage.

It sounds like two college buddies catching up after 30 years apart. You revert to how you were as kids, telling tall tales about your big cock and all the pussy you smash. Then you tell the epic movie fantasy story that plays in your head about your rise to business success. By the end of the night, you’re both drunk and singing tales of woe about failed marriages, broken friendships, how your asshole parents fucked you in the head so much as a kid that all your adult relationships go from great to toxic and how you can’t believe what a nightmare your life is despite achieving most of your dreams. Oh, who am I kidding? This is Opie we’re talking about. He’s claiming he was so fucked in the head after filming Roland shit on the cold tile floor that had a shaman come over to his house ... twice. Cool story, bro.


It's a nickname he fawkin got stuck with. He'd shake it if he could

The first one was terrible. Worse than I imagined... Or maybe exactly as I imagined, I'm not sure. This faggot even did a radio tease for the "big reveal", and a shitty one at that. Everything about it is pathetic and Carl is genuinely more entertaining and better at radio than Opie who is AWFUL at it.

No spoilers please.

I got my jumbotron ready

Hanoi too, #1!! All my friend take off work this morning for listening party. Taking pics, will post!

Can we get a ripped link? I’m not giving that faggot a view.


It’s actually pretty good

please tell me no one has the links.....

Release it early to generate some chatter. Opie is a solid business man

All 12 of the Opie fans who aren’t hate-listening like the rest of us will be ecstatic.

At least Opie is posting his promised content early and often. Deadbeat Cumia can barely stumble his drunk ass down the stairs to host his nonworking stream at 4:00pm(ish).

He is trending because it's new not because it's popular or liked.

That's the bit, you dope!

I'll take the hit on this

Sorry brotherman Opie doesn't have time for the haters.

The entire podcast is Opie talking about things he will talk about on future podcasts. Nothing pays off. It’s really bad.

What about the numerous times he crowbars in to talk about his skill to bring conversations back around?

(Which he doesn't do very well)

It could be decent...they get into an interesting groove and the host/interviewer halts the guest to relate a less interesting story about himself....the guest has the patience of Job.

Is there a name for that style of interview? Where the interviewer asks decent questions of an interesting guest, then seems to not be interested in the guest other than for an opportunity for him (host) to self reference?

if you go to opieradio.com there is, scattered amongst the links to buy opieradio shirts, a link to listen to the podcast.

this episode is listed as episode 3 for some reason. the "teaser" that was release the other day is listed as episode 2.

great job.

Came out 30 min early on time Pacific Standard Time

Great show. Funny and interesting. Cannot wait for epidsoe 3.