I cheated on my girlfriend last night

4  2018-05-13 by magicjohnsonpositivy

We're breaking up today but I cheated on her last night. Should I feel bad?



Details faggot

It was the last weekend of college and she was being a goddamn shitter and I was sick of her and we had decided we'd break up Wednesday and she tells me yesterday she doesn't want to do that and that she wanted to breakup today. To be fair she lost a family member and it's been hard for her but I was also sick of her shif

How is it cheating then?

you are both of low IQ

And stock

What retard logic brought you guys to breaking up on wednesday? Is this something couples do?

Kick em' out Wednesday

Nice feelings, stupid.

hell no

Hahahahahah. Don't get me excited now

Not at all. If you knew it was over anyway who gives a fuck.

Word yeah. I think I shouldn't fuck her again and it'll.be fine. I'll see her one more time to say bye I guess. Idk why would I even do that though that just feels like convention.

Please, express more of your feelings. We all care deeply about your journey to manhood.

She's already fucking someone else and his dick is much bigger than yours.

What a pussy, no don’t feel bad.

Take her on a hike and really end it.

Lemme call him for tips. Have to do it like a pro

This post would be 100x less gay if you were staying with your gf and even that would be an incredibely gay post. So I don't even know what to call this.

I just need to learn to be an asshole

Are either of these girls fatties? Verdict depends on your answer.

Ones a Schumer the other is a Dunham.

Thats a tough one

It's a shame Jimmy doesn't have his advice show any more.

Any pics of this stupid broad?

I'm not turning her loose to you fucking crazy faggots. Shes a nice Jew broad with big tits. Really my type

If you’re not married or engaged, it’s not cheating.

Are you kidding? Never feel bad for what comes naturally, I fucked around on every girl I’ve ever been with & it didn’t mean I loved them any less. Every man in my family who is somebody has always mistress or two & it never led to a divorce or affected the family dynamic in any way because that’s what men have always done since we started walking upright. We were never ment to be monogynous but this only works one way because if the woman sleeps around she’s a worthless whore & get rid of her immediately.

Damn. Yeah I always wanted to fuck other chicks along the way but I still like my girl and would've liked her either way. Broke up with her yesterday and fucked another chick that night. Makes break ups a lot easier