Has Ant ever spoken about Hunter S. Thompson?

10  2018-05-13 by SoreNun

The guns, the drinking, the 'outspokenness' of their media output... Has he, or anyone else, brought up the similarities?


I can think of 1 similarity I hope they share

At least Thompson had someone to talk to on the phone that cared about him when he shot himself.

I wish they would share the same fondness for suicide.

Nice parellel thinking, stupid

parallel stinking

Tss, homerun /u/Toss__Pot !

Check the 2/21/05 episode the day after he died. I don't remember if he got a discussion.

Artie has name checked him as a casual fan, and said Howard should have taken over for him after he died.

But Anthony will see he was a socialist who hated republicans and wanted to legalize all drugs to let the blacks out of jail and hate him despite the guns and violence against women arrests.

I think authors are above his intelligence pay grade. The brady bunch and matlock are more his speed.

Books? The only books he reads are History Channel specials and Daily Mail articles tweeted at him.

His copy of Mein Kampf is dog-eared though

Maybe the first couple of pages

Yeah, Hunter S Thompson was a genius and innovator, Tony Cumsies drinks bud lites and cries about the internet. They have as much in common as you do with a duck.

IDK, he's got some good stuff like the early stuff in the Great Shark Hunt and Rum Diary, but he's kind of just a self indulgent Boomer knockoff of William S. Burroughs that loves the smell of his own farts and is emblematic of the self involved, war dodging-cum-israel loving boomer generation.

dodging-cum-israel loving boomer generation

It seems extremely exhausting to bring everything back to the Jews.

I'm jewish. I'm honestly just tired of all of conservatism pointing towards zionism... it's tiresome and destructive to the national identity. Check my post history I'm a total jew.

Well Jews do tend to be self-obsessed, so I'll say it checks out.

Right, now tell me how little Anthony Cumia has in common with Johnny Carson, a person he admires and is openly influenced by. I didn't ask what they had or didn't have in common, I was asking whether Cumia or any of his ballwashers/co-hosts have ever brought up the comparison, in a sycophantic way or a joking way or whatever.

Hunter was a selfish faggot,you go outside to eat the gun.People have to clean that mess up.Faggot.

They make snuff films of children?

You're thinking of Peter Scully. Different type of gonzo.

No I know hunter was a child molesting prevent that was into snuff films. How do you think he got so famous? Hollywood are satanist.

Johnny Gosch outed him good. Also somewhat related, this 15 minute documentary I watched last night on the Bush family is pretty fucking crazy. I'm sure you already know all about it but it's a good little eye opener. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6NAMJ68DEU&index=92&list=LLMihYhOv9LDYil0_e8o8UXA&t=0s

Fear of Losing in Las Vegas

The difference being that Thompson had an actual intellect and created things with lasting value as opposed to being a giggling chucklehead radio shock jock.

I'm well aware of the differences. I'm more interested in the similarities. Ant has talked before about looking up to Stern and Carson, and you can see that influence in his 'work'. I just wondered if he, or anyone around him, had ever made a comparison to Cumia and Hunter S. Thompson.

He who makes a trannylover of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man

Anthony never went out while he was drinking to experience stuff. He just plays battlefield at home and passes out on the floor.

No I know hunter was a child molesting prevent that was into snuff films. How do you think he got so famous? Hollywood are satanist.