Thieving Amy Schumer has had a sketch show cancelled and two comedy movies flop in the past year, but she's hosting SNL (a comedy sketch show) tonight. Anyone surprised comedians are terrified to cross her?

82  2018-05-12 by Ant_Sucks



Just a coincidence goy nothing to worry about.

Her 15 minutes is taking forever and is making me suicidal.

Haven't heard from Jeselnik in a while

didn't he write half her material? back when she was actually funny

Yep if you watch her old stuff the style is literally a copy of Jeselnik's.

Oy vey.....

Chuck Schumer.

They’re only afraid to cross her because she might fall and trap them before the fire department can arrive.

Trey Parker & Matt Stone are the only ones that didn't give a fuck and tip toe around that fat pig.

They r gods among (((men)))

Did they ever name her while making fun though?

SNL hasn’t been funny in decades. We are a little out of their Demography

It was never really hilarious. It's always just been ok. Nostalgia is making you think differently. Go watch an old episode, most of the sketches are trash.

Also TV was a LOT worse back in the day, and you had much less options.

Was it though? Was Family Matters worse than Big Bang Theory?

But the could at least throw a few good sketches together at the beginning. They can’t anymore.

It has the same amount of half decent sketches now as it did forever. The Kyle Mooney sketches are usually good these days.

I was mostly watching during the Farley, Norm and Collin years. I might go back and watch a few. I remember Farley as the Van in the River guy being hilarious. Same with Norm the Collin doing News. You are probably write tho.


Modern mainstream comedy like snl and amy schmooer r simply propaganda outlets for Bolshevik (((ideals)))

man WHITE people sure do like to take care of their own, don't they? I'm so sick of all these WHITE people running Hollywood and the banks. Fucking WHITE people dude.


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This cunt just doesn't know when to quit.

That's why she fucking DOMINATES... the buffet table.

They know which side of their matzah is buttered.

There's a reason why she's hosting SNL this week. Her movie has made back its budget plus about $10 million. She was in Ellen too...she's big time promoting to groups of women who go see movies on Mother's Day. Her movie will probably make about $50 million when it's all said and done. That's on a budget of $32 mil.

She has an audience and her movies make money and it was a indie...a Filipino distributor and 2 successful yet small studios footed the bill.

This is why Hollywood hasn't put out good comedy in a long, long time (maybe the odd movie here and there).

The two biggest movie comics are Kevin Hart and Schumer. nuff said

It is hard to lose money on shit comedy movies as long as you pander to your audience. Schumer has a permanent audience of hippos, and Kevin Hart has the Lollipop Guild. Sandler locked up retarded people a long time ago.

You rube. 52 million against a 32 million budget isn't making the budget back. That's not pure profit. Do you think that the movie had a zero dollar advertising budget when many movies now spend 50 percent or more of the production budget on promotion? Do you think its free to get the movies to theaters? Do you think the movie theaters show them for free? Haven't you ever heard of taxes? If its 32 production+10 million promotion this movie has to make something like 85 or 95 million dollars at the box office to be profitable off of its box office run.

Movies that don't at least double their production budgets are usually pretty substantial money losers and all the money on promotion is an initial loss.

I'm no expert but I am a production accountant so I overhear a lot of shit. You're right that the rule of thumb is that a movie needs to make twice its production budget GLOBALLY. But right now it's only made money DOMESTICALLY.

It comes out in other countries such as Australia on June 28th.

If it's made 50 mil or so before going worldwide it's a slam dunk profit.

Its already been in some overseas markets and done around 8 million.It hasn't made 50 domestic. Its made around 40 domestic.

Yeah but when it's all said and done it will settle in around 50...and that is US numbers only. Either way it's an indie film and she's a bankable star for low budget indie comedies with a female audience.

It needs to make at least twice its budget to make any sort of profit, this was a certified bomb for her

But it's made back its budget already and hasn't opened internationally yet. It's getting a summer release abroad and will likely have about 50 mil in sales heading into that.

We will see, hopefully it does for the investors sake

The investors were these 2 companies one of them was the same one that made Hurt Locker. The other is owned by McG.

Either way she's a success. I don't get it but she's got some audience.

What movie are you talking about? Its been out in Australia since like mid april, it bombed.

She is far too wide to cross..