Serious question: SUV’s are for fags, but I need a new van, and I’m done with vans. Any idea?

3  2018-05-12 by Every1ShouldBKilled

Brand new or pre-owned, doesn’t matter.


Buy a handgun

Get Law and Order SVU on blu ray.

Could you get a truck and put a trunk cap on it?

david landau's wife

put a saddle on big amy

You might be able to snag a gold Jeep for cheap at a Pennsylvania police auction.

Actually good point. Artie going to prison soon, what does he drive? And cumia bound to be suspended again...

Jeep windshields are too expensive.

Vans are for rapists and kid touchers.

You post here so I know you don't have a family to drive around so now I'm going to laugh at you for being poor. I have 4 Mercedes you fucking loser.


For real though, why do you need a van? I'm honestly starting to get worried that your old one smells like dead kids.

I treat it like a truck without having to own one and worry about schlepping it around a crowded town in Long Island where i live.

Please stop molesting children.

I can get an Chevy SUV and put Gucci seat covers on it like stupid Joe

Get the Who’s The Boss van. Tony Danza looked cool in it.

I’d say if you get a real ass SUV and not a crossover, your heterosexuality cannot be questioned.

And to keep in tradition with this sub, make sure you get the toe trigger package stupid!

Mini van much gayer than SUV,

Bro Joe has that one i think

he does

Is this Pat From Moonachie?