John Mulaney fucking stinks

0  2018-05-12 by FairWarning7102

He deserves a lot more hate than he gets


He's horrible. I watched one of his specials (not my choice) and I was frowning the whole time

Oh, you just dislike Jews and queers. Don't worry, he claims he's neither.

Excuse me sir I have the utmost respect for those two awful groups of parasitic degenerates

He's a comedian's comedian, we just don't get it, man

I agree, although I've never seen 4 seconds of his "work" it's easy to see his suckitude

He stinks and the jukebox joke is fucking terrible

I havn't seen his new show yet, but New In Town was really funny. I don't see why you wouldn't like him?

You must have been watching one of the Chappelle specials. They look similar so I understand the mistake

Stupid name, face

well i think he's funny

I've hated him since he acted like a complete fruit on J&S when his buddy Nick Kroll made a joke. Cunt acted like a moody girlfriend, I imagine.

amy likes his joked

He’s a pretentious unfunny faggot

You guys are just wrong and are just saying that because you are fags. He’s one of the best