Have any of you guys listened to Bill Cooper? He was like Alex Jones if Alex Jones had his shit together.

2  2018-05-12 by ascended_millenial


I’ve read Behold A Pale Horse. It was good but really went off the rails at the end. Glad he got shot.

Hahaha holeee shit!

If he had his shit together

There is no version of a guy who thinks aliens teamed up with the Illuminati to establish one world government and ultimately dies in a shootout with law enforcement while fleeing tax evasion charges that has his shit together.

yes there is in this interview http://serviette.ca/radio_show/nw20060519.mp3 he states that the alien conspiracy is one of the biggest mind control operations of all time. He basically convinces narduar of the conspiracy

And the bullet that killed bill cooper came from a cop standing on the roof of his house.

Oh shit, he said it was mind control? Well in that case, I'm convinced.

He actually said in his book that a second race of aliens met with the presidents of the US & Russia and explained that the 1st alien race they met with were evil and that they would help them defeat the evil aliens as long as the earthlings gave up their nukes because we weren’t spiritually advanced enough for that type of technology. Needless to say, we didn’t take them up on that offer. He then ended his book saying that everything in it could very well be misinformation, leaked to him b/c they knew he’d reveal it, thereby obfuscating what was really going on.

He then ended his book saying that everything in it could very well be misinformation, leaked to him b/c they knew he’d reveal it, thereby obfuscating what was really going on.

That's a very convenient out.

It would be an even more convenient cop out if 9/11 wasn't blamed on Bin Laden two months after he said that it would happen. Or if he wasnt right about what those antidepressants do to children and their relevance to gun control.

You should read more about that "shootout" with police that bill cooper had too. Apparently it takes 6+ officers in an unmarked police vehicle to murder an old man wanted for tax evasion. Sounds pretty normal.

I don't know if the guy was right about everything but the times he's been right is enough to raise some questions.

Bill Cooper once called Alex Jones, and I quote, "a fear-mongering bullshit artist."

Cooper's alright.

Yet another area in which SJWs and conspiracy theorists perfectly overlap; laying in wait to eat their own.

Name any 2 conspiracy theorists and I'll give them 3 years before they despise each other and claim the other is full of shit. Fucking magicians have more loyalty than these flim flam peddlers.

Alex Jones / Joe Rogan

Bill Hicks /Verne Troyer

Yet another area in which SJWs and conspiracy theorists perfectly overlap; laying in wait to eat their own.

Name any 2 conspiracy theorists and I'll give them 3 years before they despise each other and claim the other is full of shit. Fucking magicians have more loyalty than these flim flam peddlers.