Is anyone else obsessed with the O&A universe to the point of mental illness, despite not watching ANY of the shows/podcasts?

49  2018-05-12 by MawBTS1989

Every now and then I listen to a few minutes of the AA Show. Then I get distracted by a passing fly.

It reminds me of the Red Letter Media fandom, where increasingly nobody gives a shit about the movie they're discussing and the focus is on Jay's hair and whether Rich Evans is losing weight.


Yes, and your point being?

It's fascinating to me that the thing they put most work into, I don't give a shit about.

I only enjoy the peripheral stuff. It's like buying music CDs...but not because you like listening to music, you just like how bright and shiny the discs are. Or watching movies because you really enjoy the black bars at the top and bottom of the screen. I don't understand this impulse at all.

Let’s be honest ... they put very little work into programming.

I’m like that with stand up specials now, I don’t think I actually them anymore. But I’ll watch every podcast/radio/tv appearance by a comedian I like.

ive tried to listen to sam and jim and i cant. the aa show is awful even the good segments and opies shit is just fun to me at this point. i use to listen to O&A all through high school into my early 20s

I wish I was distracted. I couldn't even get through the Artie/Gilbert Gottfriend episode. Gilbert and Artie use to be golden. Gilbert is great interview actors from the 40s but AA is all about the 70s; just no longer a good match.

Jay has nice hair.

i first started listening to O&A when i was about 12. by 14 i got really obsessed with the concept of egg whites and tried to eat them constantly, until my thought process got really bizarre and i would say things like “there's so much sugar in salt” and “i heard your mother was killed, stupid” in my head for hours, and i would get really paranoid, start seeing things in the corners of my eyes etc, basically prodromal schizophrenia. im now on antipsychotics. i always wondered what the kind of “ironic” style of O&A humor was all about; i think it’s the unconscious leaking in to the conscious, what jungian theory considered to be the cause of schizophrenic and schizotypal syptoms. i would advise all people who “get” O&A to be careful because that likely means you have a predisposition to a mental illness. peace.


TSSSS tell me something I don't know...

Nice MKULTRA programming, stupid

i check here daily despite nothing substantial happening more than once a year.

What I find strange is how many people actually DO still listen to/watch the shows these faggots are associated with. The only fun to be had from the O&A universe these days is taunting the ex members of the show.

I don't get the people who force themselves to sit through full AA/J&S shows. There's just nothing enjoyable there.

That's why I love this sub. It's filled with disgruntled ex-fans of a radio show that has been long deceased. I'll admit I've never actually listened to an episode, but it's such a warm wholesome fan base comprised of every creed and culture.

It would be like if you went to the Ghostbusters subreddit and everyone there was sick of talking about fucking Ghostbusters and grew to hate everyone involved with the films but also had strong opinions on various other aspects of pop culture and were more than willing to share them with you in a condescending and often abusive manner. You guys are like my family.

fuck you

eat a dick

Well, maybe not all of you faggots have opinions. But you guys are trying and I appreciate that much at least.

I only watch Chip now. This sub is more entertaining than the rest.

I occasionally go back and listen to old shows. Stuff like the Lady Di internship, Fez's breakdowns, and stuff like that are still alright.

I listened to Opie & Anthony every weekday for over a decade, Its really all been going downhill since Ant got fired. Out of some weird need to see the ship sink i even listened to Opie & Jim regularly because i wanted to hear it fall apart, but now none of them are doing good shows. Ants was alright until recently or maybe this sub made it harder to forgive what a terrible person Ant actually is, and Jim & Sam is just so bad, its like a morning zoo show thats trying to be ironically bad because they just sawJames Franco's movie about The Room.

Yes and I'm done

I go through the colin archives at times also Bobby etc. But no more solo OnA shows. Just sounds hacky and in retrospect in all sounds so fake.

I tried listening to Jum and Sam but then I used my garage door opener to shoot myself with and died.

I listen to the old shows still, none of the new stuff is worth your time

Literally hours of better radio you could be enjoying for free

I think it's healthy to rage out every once in a while. Instead of punching a wall, I come here and talk shit about a radio show that I used to enjoy. It's cathartic.

i got addicted since the esther koup thing, i read the sub almost daily and havent even listened to ona since 2008


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O and A died when Anthony got fired and all that was left was Opie’s Fuckin Morning Zoo and Compound Media.

The Opie shit was unlistenable and Ant’s political stuff got old fast.