Unpopular Opinion: Jim and Sam is worse than Opie Radio and Compound Media garbage.

100  2018-05-11 by Boxatorium

I really hate to say it, but Opie mercilessly mocking Carl's living situation and his ridiculous delusions of grandure, not to mention the Junkie and Racist show aren't as bad as Jim and Sam.

They're all terrible, but Jim and Sam is the worst.

A show based around wrestling, pretending to be an MMA fan, and complaining about how long it took to get your eggs benedict just shouldn't exist.


Not a high bar.


The rotating guest COMICS on O&J were better. I hate “celebrity” interviews with every fiber of my being. Have Vos and Bawby on twice a week then I will listen.

Normand is funny sometimes.

Oh yeah for sure, he’s always good on LOS too. I more or less meant all of the rotating comics including Normand, Soder, Florentine, Brennan, and I liked all of Artie’s appearances too but I said those two because they’re my favorite out of the bunch.


Comics are fucking gay. Stand up is dead.

Sure, but a 3 is better than a 2 and it's still not what you want to see when you're Playing poker.

I don't listen to any of these shows and I still agree.

I thought I was the only one. Felt like an outcast when they talked about that new AA Host with the fat wife.

I haven't listened to any of this awful shit in 4 years.

Jim and Sam is the worst thing I have ever heard.

I hate to say it, but Stern was worse the last time I tried to listen. His interviews are good though. If he's interviewing someone I care about like Neil Young then I'll listen. Everything else is shit.

Check out Jim's advice show. Literally the worst thing ever broadcasted.

I have blocked it out of my memory to protect myself from brain damage.

Yeah he really has no business giving addicts advice when he said he would probably kill himself if he relapsed.

sammy's night time shit show with who-kid and those other duds beg to differ

But the theme song really gets my donger rustling

I hate Opie, but at least he isn’t trying to act hip like Sam

Opie's nonsense claims could almost be written off as a bit.

Sam's unwarranted sense of arrogance and accomplishment are 100% sincere and show that he's a piece of shit.

Opie's nonsense claims could almost be written off as a bit.

Let's not take this too far. Opie is a idiotic asshole, none of his delusions are a bit. Don't rewrite history here.

Thats the bit!

Opie's entire public personality was a bit. Opie was Bizarro Opie, as are several of the sub's regulars.

Don't forget about Sam's voice. I'd rather listen to someone scratching a chalkboard

TSS... yeah he should try acting hand or leg instead.

Agreed. AA show can be good but it's just too few and far between; Opie's podcast shows real potential to be the most hateable hate listen ever put out. Jim and Sam are just middle of the road boring morning annoying cunty humourless green stinky gash ash.

I was listening to an episode the other day and I realized the AA show was actually a hell of a lot smoother with better guests than the Jim and Sam show. It blew my fucking mind. Jim and Sam at times could be good, but for long stretches it's just so harsh on the ears.

I mean, Ant and Art are pretty predictable, but Ant still has his radio chops to fall back on when he needs to. He's not a very dynamic person, but that's still more than could be said for Jim or Sam.

Opie and Carl (so far) early CM Cumia Show > Anthony and Artie > all of Jim and Sam

honest opinion

I don't see how it's possible for something to be worse than AA. I'm literally trying to think of any show of any kind that I'd want to listen to less than AA and can't.

Its a show hosted by an old know-nothing queer that obsessively complains about his breakfast and airline travel, while also trying to discuss current events, despite being completely ignorant of literally everything outside of his narrow, obsessive interests and bizarre cloistered lifestyle.

Then throw a useless monkey sidekick.


I love seeing this getting upvotes. I used to say this all the time and get downvoted. Sam sucks.

The carl's cabin episode of opie's podcast about IPA BEER was actually really entertaining, and well formatted and paced.

It's quite likely it as good because opie wasn't in it

le racism is bad meme

*popular opinion

I've been saying it for a long time, Sir.

And I love you long time

That’s fucking retarded.

all of it is awful. Really awful. Worse than anything they jocktobered.

Norton is the worst of the 3.

Hes the only one that had to scam the ona fan base like a bobo and still thinks he's the most righteous person on earth

Opie Radio Podcast is the best programming of the three right now.

put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Nothing, absolutely nothing sucks worse than Opie’s show right toward the end when Jim distanced himself. That “show” sounded like some AI machine piecing random words and over the top laughter together into a indecipherable pastiche of inane babbling nonsense. I found myself at times not even hearing it as conversation, it was verbal wallpaper.

It would be worst if all three were talking about their bad egg whites and Apple mother fucking them

Opie at least done some show prep by reading that mornings newspapers and talking to that gossiping neanderthal Kenny as he carried Tits to the studio. Anytime J+S conduct an interview you can see how fucking wildly unprepared they are. I'm saying that like the non guest segments are wildly captivating

Are you forgetting about the green screen? Anthony’s local cable quality show is not only bad, it’s embarrassing.

No one has forgotten.

I actually think Carmody Central was a better listen than Jim & Sam.

I agree. When I listen to Jim and Sam, I believe they are intentionally doing a bad show. I think Anthony at least tries to put on what he believes is a good show

Even here you'll see the odd AA fan and for some reason a few Opie fans. I don't get it but it happens. Absolutely nobody likes the Jim and Sam show. What even is it? It's not a comedy show, it isn't political, interesting or topical. It's just bland time killing right from the first minute, it starts with a huge intro and when most people will be pulling up to work and finishes before mid morning work breaks - unemployed people don't wake up in time for it. Who is it for?

The only time I tried to listen to it properly they had a female wrestler in and talked to her about her depression for ages. I've never tried again.

Not unpopular at all. Compound shows are clearly superior to Jim and Sam. With Compound you have to sit through a lot of political nonsense but there are a few good laughs in there. Jim and Sam is just pure dogshit. Sam talking about WWE and Jim talking about how his eggs are cold. Fucking yuck show.

Opie is the best show and that is pathetic

I hate to say it, but maybe Opie did have more insight into radio than any of the rest of these queens. Opie was the first to recognize the fact that you have to pay people if you want them on your show. Plugging gigs might have been enough for Jackie on the old Stern show but it just isn’t enough anymore .

There are thousands shows and podcasts fighting over a limited number of interesting guests/cohosts. Money is the only way to set yourself apart . By paying meat truck, frijole fryer, and the tongue, Opie showed that he understood the way the wind was blowing.

The overlords at (((Sirius))) would never cough up an extra scheckel to bring in Bobby or CQ or Vos in on a regular basis. And Granthony doesnt have two nickels to rub together. Opie dipped into his own check to pay for his clown show.

I unironically agree.

Stop. Fake news. Jim and Sam is horseshit but Opies struggle ass podcast is waaaay worse.

Anthony was funny

Opie, love him or hate him, gave a forum and frame work to some huge acts

Sam has no such credentials

I guess I forgot to laugh

Lets just hope whenever their contract is up Sirius thinks like we do and kicks them to the curb. I used to really like Jim but he’s just a pretentious twat now. And sam... I’ve always hated everything about him. Just go do your little rasstling show for all your neck beard fans. I can’t listen to his voice, just hearing him infuriates me.

I guarantee there’s a wrestling forum somewhere where someone is telling Sam to quit wrestling and only do Jim and Sam.

Post of the day, hahaha


Really?.. You're either all new fans, or you all have Irritable Down-Syndrome.

Opie is the absolute worst person to ever speak into a microphone.. Period. Sniff..

Jim & Sam > A cunt farting in the wind > Opie

I can't argue with you here

The show where none of Opie's "guys" showed up and Opie panicked at the beginning of it was way more entertaining than anything Jim and Sam has done. J&S's peak was the Nancy Grace interview.

Opie with Jim was better than any of the current O&A mutations.

It’s definitely worse, but it’s like saying eating microwaved shit is worse than eating cold shit.

Anything Sam touches turns to shit

Hot sauce in the dickhole VS Giant jalapeño up the ass

I would still say Anthony is the worst of the 3. It's just a joyless empty reaction, utterly empty, pathetic, and meaningless. It genuinely makes me sad.

What makes them worse is the platform they are on

sam is horrendus, probably the worst ever, jim has given up hope and doesnt even try knowing hes saddled to a dud who idea of comedic repartee is "so you dont think he's the (fill in the blanks)". the show is much worse that o&j (opie at least knew how to construct and set up a show and be the straight man - sometimes) which was much much worse than o&a.

Jim and Sam is a constant 4-5/10, proper background when taking a shit. Anthony's shitshow is a 2/10. Opie's show is unlistenable and sad.

They're all terrible.