Carl lives in a shack in the woods, because he got divorced.

2  2018-05-11 by Boxatorium

I listened to ten minutes of the terrible OpieRadio podcast out of curiosity while I was taking a shit yesterday. I won't be doing that again, but it looks like he got taken to the cleaners.


It was funny that he kept being up where he once was in his career and how Westwood One wanted him to start at the top, but he wanted to start at the bottom and build himself up. groan

Someone one should call ICE and tell them there is a Mexican living in the woods.

Tss why not call fire and burn that mug downnn

And he's angry-- with America.

Gregg Opie hires illegal commie cuban,keeps him chained in an cabin in upstate NY.

I think she got divorced because he was ling the $750 a show lifestyle when he wasnt making a dime. He probably blew that $10k Opie finally gave him recently on his stupid Bday party at Carolines. Besides being sexually inadequate.

He gave that bearded faggot short order cook 10 grand for his birthday? What the hell!! That cheap fucker used to welch on every bet he lost on the show, didn't give the staff, who helped keep the O&A show humming along, shit when they needed help but he gives that little spic faggot that he did a horrible show with a large wad of cash?

No wonder no one who worked for him over the last 20 years likes him.

No he lives there as he thinks it makes him interesting.

Opie actually caused his divorce. For anybody who does 'keep up' with all of Opies goings on. Remember a while back on a pop-up or some shit, Carl is mocking Opie about not getting anything going since being fired. Opie had 'offers' and had come quite close to signing something for he and Carl .. .but obviously didn't. All the time he was stringing Carl along with dreams of 6 figure deals. This lead Carls wife to be pissed off with Carl because he kept getting her hopes up that things were gonna be great! When infact Opie turned down the very few decent offers he had (aka lied) ...and left Carl broke. .. .. . . just a theory

Didn't Carl say he was losing over 5 figures a month and his restaurant was tanking because he kept going into the city to keep up with Opie's cherade?

How would this even be possible?


I thought his wife owned that shitty little deli?

She will after the divorce.

He keeps winning money on Guys Grocery Games and is forced to give it to charity. Delicious.

All he does is drink and eat. What else was ever going to happen?

He's the only "chef" I know that never cooks a thing.