I've heard Artie Lang tells the same stories over-and-over-and-over.

12  2018-05-11 by CuckECheese

I've never listened to the show. Which telling of these jokes would you recommend out of the 40 billion? Which fake Ant laughs will I enjoy the most when hearing these? Keep in mind I only plan to listen to these jokes once. Thanks in advance.


Kathy Griffin was so proud she was crying and talking about her Emmy, and then you just hear me snoring wheeze.

Jew broad kills Dracula's. Wheeze laugh wheeze laugh. Even though Ant has heard it dozens of times he still gives his over the top laugh. HA HA HA HOLY SHIT!

Friend stole a canoe...blah blah ..went back for the paddles...yada yada ....yawn

Would Marci Turk walk to St. Louis?

Only on crystal meth

Something something cocaine something fictional N-Person "sprinkling that sheeeit on cheeseburgers" blah blah WHEEZE wipes nose


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Lose weight shithead.

Tony Curtis...

The punchline was, often, on Howard, Artie laughing. So he just says things and then laughs them up and, well, as you can tell, it works fantastically.

whenever this retard talks about anything beyond a single sentence my mind tunes out

Didn't Antony interrupted one of his holy shit table slap with another holy shit table slap?

Dude - u don't have to pay. Just read this in an Artie voice. Here's the Artie Lang Experience, with the charm of Anthony Cumia.

"Well, when i was buying heroin from this N person in a pool hall..... Marci Turk Cunt.....(Wheezing laugh)....i started making snoring sounds while Kathy Griffin was talking.... (generic 1960s style joke about minorities...(Wheezing Laugh)...

Italians will smack a Jew broad....this one time while on the Stern Show (an awful 30min stuttering john impression, delivering Zero punchlines)"