Artie tweets this almost monthly

101  2018-05-10 by Dreyer55

Artie: “Guys, I’m a fuck up. I didn’t deserve the Stern show. Howard was great to me. I’m an addict. Thx for the support, you guys are great. Love you all. Peace. Artie

Artie’s Fans: “Stay strong Artie, we love you! Stay clean and keep your head up. Good luck, one day at a time, man!”


All junkies do that "woe is me" junkie chant for sympathy and then they don't change an aspect fo their lives and still keep doing junk. One or two months later, "Blah blah blah, you're so great, I don't deserve blah blah blah..." Artie has been doing the junkie chant for 15 years. Its incredible he's still alive.

No we don’t.

I'm a total fuck up I would never take advantage of people who love me...they should all just forget about me. I'm worthless.

Yeah I don't. If I complain it's actually withdrawal that makes me want to die but I don't much and I'm almost clean

He snorts H because he’s a pussy. That’s the only reason he’s still with us.

At this point he must need copious quantities of dope because a) snorting the shit is very inefficient esp. given his tolerance and b) his nose and sinuses are probably so scarified and ruined that they barely absorb the dope thus he's likely just swallowing the bulk of it now. It's funny how he pretends he's Joe Heroin but doesn't shoot it or even smoke it.

You would think he would absolutely come to the conclusion that he can only get high via IV now, due to his rotten nose. I think we are expecting too much from comedians maybe. Remember when comedians were actually funny?

I mean I get that he fears and dreads needles but you'd think at some point the fear and dread of having your face fall off would override it. Everyone's seen the gruesome effects shooting dope has on one's arms and whatnot but Artie is the first and only heroin addict that I know of who's wrecked his face snorting it.

arms only get fucked up if you do it badly or with dirty needles

I say this about myself almost monthly too

You were on Stern?

Leave it alone.

Oof, that hits home a little hard. You’re pretty relatable, for being a faggot.

/r/2meirl4meirl right gang?


i really fucking hate people like that, both the fake victims and the people who enable them

Otto and George - "DIE!"

Kike broad, fights vampires.


Heeb broad, fights undeads.

Danny Ross, fights his mother.


It will stop soon. Don't worry.

The saddest thing in life is wasted talent, and the choices that you make will shape your life forever. But you can ask anybody from my neighborhood, and they'll just tell you this is just another Bronx tale.

Artie! Bagsh!

Like all dope addicts Artie is a huge bore. It's either tired old junkie war stories, dumb excuses/lies or this sort of sappy "woe is me I'll try harder this time" bullshit.

"Poor me" addict routine. Shut up and fuck off.

His mom has to constantly worry about her son in the hospital. He definitely lies to her telling her he quit the stuff, too. On multiple occasions.
He has all the money and friend support in the world to get clean and he won't do it because he's a selfish, indulgent fuck.

Die already.

Fuck off and die already fatass


Tss tss artie is a big fat junkie or summtin i dunno

I so hope we get a post-mortem Chris Farley pic of this bloated skeezebag.

I can't imagine you'd see much of a difference.

Hoagie wrapper for a cap instead of a beanie.

Tweet 2: Fuck that pelican-faced asshole. Howard won’t even speak to me. What an asshole.