Never forget: Jim Norton is still friends with Anthony even though he is a known pedophile who beat a mutual friends child.

11  2018-05-10 by TinKnockinMoroccan


Who's child did anthony beat?

Vinnie Brand's

Ant & Jim are at a point now where they HAVE to remain amicable with each other since it's all they got. All the old comics have moved into their own thing or have died. Even if he wanted to motherfuck that sssssscumbag he wouldn't.

I dunno he trew old Louie whips it out under the bus pretty quick and that guys the only reason he was allowed to say more than one line of dialogue at a time on scripted television

Louie also hasn't put him in anything since like the first season of his FX show and we all know how vindictive the work can be

Louie will call Jim when he's ready to talk about it.

And vindictive towards his FRIENDS! Who owe him NOTHING!

Jim and Anthony are friends on a professional level because they can use each other to promote their dog shit. Friends actually hang out and have concern for one another. If Jim died of Aids tomorrow Anthony would skip the funeral.

Only to get to tested

Technically didn't he just cut off her ability to pull in oxygen? Also didn't he buy her barbies for her 7th birthday?

Such good friends that Jim is always hangin' out at the Compound or doing Ants show. They're weirdos